Corp Stores

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Ever wanted to have corps sell different items/weapons/augments/programs?
Now you can! It also allows you to specify the amount of each item type for each corp's different stores.

I have tried to document all the libraries within as best I can, but if there are any questions feel free to ask. The example mod is included to make things clearer.

TLDR; extract to .../InvisibleInc/mods/CorpStores. Add the table corpStore = { "ko", "ftm" } to any item, and see it only be sold by those corps. adds the functionality, but makes no changes to items. has the same code, but distributes all the items among the different corps, so you can easily see it in action. Just extract it to .../InvisibleInc/mods/CorpStoresExample/. Look in to see which corp sell what, or try it in game.


  • lib_corp_stores.lua
  • lib_onSimCreate.lua
  • lib_sequentialModLoader.lua

lib_sequentialModLoader.lua and lib_onSimCreate.lua are standalone, while lib_corp_stores.lua requires the two former to work.
All the libs can be ripped and put into your own mods. They are designed so if multiple mods uses the same libs, there should not be any conflicts.

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