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Transporting your dedicated server to in-game server.

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So now that caves are in-game, I thought it would be useful to create a topic on something I wish was available when I was trying to figure it out. It's not particularly difficult or necessarily unintuitive, but hopefully it'll help someone else out.

I had a dedicated server running specifically for the caves, however there were some unusual side effects which I'm not entirely sure the cause of. For me, even though I was hosting, I was getting a severe amount of server lag - even when I joined via LAN, and my framerates were dipping pretty dramatically - especially when my friend decided to run into a field of hornets. None of this ever happened when I was running the server via the in-game menus though, and in neither case was my friend claiming his latency was anywhere near as bad as mine. This is probably likely due to the fact that I was connecting to my server externally while hosting it, so my connection - which isn't that good, wasn't supporting the upload and download throughput that well.

Anyway, we were pretty deep in our server and I really didn't want to have to try and fight with the level of server lag I was getting, so I wanted to run the server in-game. I managed to get it working and here's how:

  1. First and foremost, backup your server. Not sure if this could easily be messed up, but if you're doing this you're likely trying to preserve progress on a world you don't want to lose. Otherwise you'd just start a new one in-game and avoid this altogether.
  2. Create a new server in-game. Don't bother setting any settings right now. Make note of which slot you're creating it in, since I'm fairly certain the directory is directly related to which slot the server is in.
    • Generate it so you generate the server data. Not entirely sure if this is necessary but it worked for me.
  3. Go to your [Documents > Klei > Don't Starve Together] directory, you'll find at least one folder "Cluster" with a number at the end, representing the server slot your server exists in. The first slot, for instance, is Cluster_1.
  4. Copy both your Master and Cave (if you have one) directories from your dedicated server directory, then copy and replace the directories in whatever server cluster you're trying to import the server to.
  5. Leave the server list and when you go back in, you should notice the day you're on has changed to whatever you left off on in your dedicated server.
  6. Launch the server and you're good. Your worldgen data and even your Rollback saves will still be in tact. It truly isn't anymore involved than that.

I'm sure this is a very specific situation that will likely only serve as a way for people who had dedicated servers specifically for the sake of hosting caves and would like to have their servers hosted in-game with the UI and all present, otherwise they would just generate a new world right in-game and not have to do any of this. However but if it helps even so much as one person, I'll consider it worth writing.

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