Issues with RoG integration & things to add

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1- Seasons. They get mixed up very easily and frequently if we travel a lot between the to worlds as I do. One time it's spring in RoG while it was the dry season in SW but then when the season changed in SW it skipped the summer season in RoG for no reason. The seasons of the RoG world should either :

--> start in autumn at its creation and progress as normal from there. So if I enter my RoG world day 57 then winter should come day 78 followed by spring 16 days later. 

-->or adapt itself to the day (in the example day 57) which correspond to the end of the spring season and then go on summer season a few days later. 

Don't starve is mainly about using the tools of the current season to face either the dangers from the next seasons or be better prepared for the next year. Without a consistent timeline, it becomes more troublesome to prepare ourselves for the next season.

2- Hounds. Same as the seasons they tend to come randomly and it is possible to face them in SW, jump to RoG and having to deal with them another time just when you arrive or the opposite. I know their appearance is a bit random but when we frequently jump from a world to the other, we have to deal with them almost every 2 days it's a bit annoying.

3- Transferable but unplaceable Items. If I understand that we can't transfer the pets like chester or packims, I have more trouble with the rest of the items that we can transfer but cannot place such as birchnuts which we cannot plant in SW or coconuts in RoG even if you put them on turf from the original world. Turf can be placed, limestone walls can be placed inRoG, items can me transfered and used, why couldn't we plant trees as well?

4- Unified crafting tables. The extension of 3- is the unified crafting table. It would be very nice to be able to build everything of one world in the other. It is a bit frustrating to not be able to really create two worlds with the best of SW and RoG. I think cappy/klei are hesitating a bit to put all the prefabs available because there might be too many crafts possible but i think there might be a way to auto hide the prefabs from the other world and leave a button at the bottom of the list which show on a click the prefabs from the other world if.

Mobs survive very well if transfered from RoG to SW, I had lobsters who got transfered with me in SW and they had a good life. Hopefully they were on an island so they couldn't do much harm to the ecosystem. I would like to have that for all the mobs for which we can create a den like monkeys, bears or rabbits

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Having 2 different world is not a problem it can actually be a blessing since you can now world jump without loosing all your stuff since the world are still connected even if you jump in SW or RoG. Cappy and Klei have done a very good job so far on that matter.

I tried some stuff on a world i used for testing things and it appeared that going back to SW from RoG will start the hounds and going back to RoG will also start a set of hounds. I was only day 5 so hounds are not supposed to appear yet so that behavior might be intentional to limit/punish too many travels in both worlds.

The other things i tried was to spawn prefabs from SW in RoG like the obsidian firepit, monkey huts etc. and i didn't have any problem. They all behave normally which proves that we could have all the prefabs from both worlds without any problems.

For the seasons I have no idea how they work and why they get messed up so much.. I want to believe that it will be solved with the fix for the day counter.

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