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Steam Group Association and Autosave Issues for Dedicated Server

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Hi Everyone,

I am having an issues with associating my steam group with the dedicated server that I put on. Previosly I did not have any issues until recently with the new clusters in place. Previously I would just put it into setting,ini and done. But now I put it both in to cluster.ini and server.ini both in master and slave server under "NETWORK" and still nothing. Any suggestions? 

The lines that I put in are:

steam_group_id = 3920389
steam_group_only = false

Also I am having issues with the auto_saver function. Previously it would be enabled in setting and that would be it. If I terminate the server it would rollback to the start of that day. Now It keeps going regardless. Always the same time the server was shutdown instead of the start of the date. Anyway to fix it? is the command still: enable_autosaver = true ??? and if so do you put it in cluster.ini? 




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I believe the correct keys are group_id and group_only (and group_admins) without the steam_ prefix under [STEAM]. You only need them in cluster.ini.

Not quite sure what you want with autosaving, though the key I use is autosaver_enabled under [NETWORK] in cluster.ini.

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Thanks for the help.

Worked for the steam group ID. The solution was to make sure its under [STEAM]. However I still kept the steam_prefix and it worked. 

Regarding the auto saving. Basic example, previously I played with a partner. My partner dies, i terminate the server and switch it back on again. My partner is alive again because the server roles back to the start of the day when he is alive. I cannot do that anymore. The server remains the same way I was in it when I terminate it. Basically if it was evening it going to be evening when I turn it back on, instead of the start of a new day. Makes sense? So either my auto save function is not working or i'm putting it in wrong somehow or it the functionality has changed. Previously each time server would crash, restart or be shutdown it would restart to the start of that day. 

Regardless, thanks for helping with the first part of my problem. 

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If I'm not mistaken, that's how it's supposed to work when exiting using c_shutdown(), it saves the current state. If you don't want the game to be saved, just force-quit the server, though I'd suggest using snapshots instead. According to the wiki, it's enable_snapshots = true under [NETWORK], then type c_rollback(no_of_snapshots_to_roll_back).

Good to know about the steam group configuration. I have every key both with and without the steam_ prefix, just to be safe.

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Yeh you see that what I thought as well. but this is what I found in the wiki regarding autosaver. 

The auto saver creates a save at the start of each day, which will be resumed from when the server restarts.

Also this was my configuration for the old server 2 months ago when it was under -betacaves. Mind you this was in server.ini back then and not in cluster.ini. It is imputed in cluster now though. 


autocompiler_enabled = true
skip_workshop_update = false



server_token = private
dedicated_lan_server = false

default_server_name = Alana's Playground (+Caves)
default_server_description = it's all fun and games until someone starves;)
max_players = 20
pvp = true
game_mode = wilderness
enable_snapshots = false
enable_autosaver = true
server_password = 
enable_vote_kick = false
tick_rate = 14
connection_timeout = 8000
server_save_slot = 1
server_intention = competitive
steam_group_id = 3920389
steam_group_only = false

shard_enable = true
is_master = true
master_port = 20050
cluster_key = private


It worked fine back then and it did what I previously described in the post. I did not have snapshots, but if I don't find a workaround I might try if snapshot can do the same thing. 

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