Abigail's Flower?

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I don't know if this issue has ever been addressed. I've never been on the forums before but I figured I'd mention it.

Does Abigail's flower sink in the water?

I was poisoned and in search of coral but ran out of health while I was in open water, therefore my entire inventory was dumped out there. Luckily I had a touchstone so I was revived but when I went back to get my stuff, Abigail's flower was no where to be seen. Not even on the map. So basically Abigail was just stuck floating around aimlessly in the area I died.

When I relogged, the flower still doesn't exist, but Abigail did start to follow me as if I had it in my inventory. Which it is not.

So does her flower deliberately sink in the water? Or is this some glitch/bug I was special enough to experience?

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You shouldn't have both Abigail spawned and the flower in your inventory.  The flower itself is Abigail.  IF she dies, you'll get the flower again.  If you respawn her with the flower, the flower is consumed and kept by Abigail, which will drop it when she dies.

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