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Preconfigured Server Issue

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I followed the guide to setting up a preconfigured server.

I ran the preconfigured server software.

I shut down the server windows.

I once again ran the preconfigured servers.

I then attempted to login to the servers using the DST client. I found my game, and logged in.

Once in game, I encountered an error whereby I would bounce back against invisible walls.

I Tried again, and spawned on water and walked over water.

I then uninstalled DST Servers, deleted the folders containing the preconfig and DST Dedicated server info.

I reinstalled and once again followed the above steps with the same results. 


Clearly I am missing something, probably simple, but I can't figure out what. 

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Also, bushes and trees and such are spawned out over the water.... What I can reach, I can interact with, and the client seems to be functioning fine (I can make tools and interact with what environment I can reach) but the map seems to have...issues.


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Hey @topical68 welcome to the forums, a few screenshots may help along side with the log.txt generated by the server found under the server folders in Documents\Klei\. Since you just simply ran the preconfigured dedicated server and did not change or tweak anything, everything should be ok (should be). Anyway for now report back with your log.txt files and screenshots and we'll go from there.


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After I posted this, I researched this further and discovered that because of shared files, running the dedicated server and hosting non-dedicated servers through the game client with the GUI was no bueno. 

Thank you for your response. 

I wiped everything on the effected computers and reinstalled, and now everything functions normally.


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Glad it works. If it happens again, please save the log file and provide the logs so it can be diagnosed. It kinda works like this, reading logs is very similar to reading a book-- if you understand the language you'll be able to see the story inside the book so to speak. So having the log files are very crucial in troubleshooting. 

Sometimes we're not able to help much at all, if at all if we don't know what's actually going on with the server seeing the logs (debug print) are not provided. 

Always feel free to ask people for assistance on the forums, we're here to help!

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