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All available configurations in worldgenoverride.lua

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Hello @TrancaStreet welcome to the forums. The latest list of presets for the worldgenoverride.lua (that I know of) is as follows:


return {    
override_enabled = true,    
    unprepared = { -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        banana = "default",
        berrybush = "default",
        cactus = "default",
        carrot = "default",
        lichen = "default",
        mushroom = "default",    
    misc = {
        autumn = "default", -- "noseason", "veryshortseason", "shortseason", "default", "longseason", "verylongseason", "random"
        boons = "default", -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        branching = "default", -- "never", "least", "default", "most"
        cavelight = "default", -- "veryslow", "slow", "default", "fast", "veryfast"
        day = "default", -- "default", "longday", "longdusk", "longnight", "noday", "nodusk", "nonight", "onlyday", "onlydusk", "onlynight"
        earthquakes = "default", -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        frograin = "default", -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        lightning = "default", -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        loop = "default", -- "never", "default", "always"
        regrowth = "default", -- "veryslow", "slow", "default", "fast", "veryfast"
        season_start = "default", -- "default", "winter", "spring", "summer", "autumnorspring", "winterorsummer", "random"
        spring = "default", -- "noseason", "veryshortseason", "shortseason", "default", "longseason", "verylongseason", "random"
        start_location = "default", -- "caves", "default", "plus", "darkness"
        summer = "default", -- "noseason", "veryshortseason", "shortseason", "default", "longseason", "verylongseason", "random"
        task_set = "default", -- "classic", "default", "cave_default"
        touchstone = "default", -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        weather = "default", -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        wildfires = "default", -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        winter = "default", -- "noseason", "veryshortseason", "shortseason", "default", "longseason", "verylongseason", "random"
        world_size = "default", -- "small", "medium", "default", "huge"    },    animals = { -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        alternatehunt = "default",
        angrybees = "default",
        beefalo = "default",    
        beefaloheat = "default",
        bees = "default",
        birds = "default",
        bunnymen = "default",
        butterfly = "default",
        buzzard = "default",
        catcoon = "default",
        frogs = "default",
        hunt = "default",
        lightninggoat = "default",
        moles = "default",
        monkey = "default",
        penguins = "default",
        perd = "default",
        pigs = "default",
        rabbits = "default",
        rocky = "default",
        slurper = "default",
        slurtles = "default",
        tallbirds = "default",    

    monsters = { -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        bats = "default",
        bearger = "default",
        chess = "default",
        deciduousmonster = "default",
        deerclops = "default",
        dragonfly = "default",
        fissure = "default",
        goosemoose = "default",
        houndmound = "default",
        hounds = "default",
        krampus = "default",
        liefs = "default",
        lureplants = "default",
        merm = "default",
        spiders = "default",
        tentacles = "default",
        walrus = "default",
        worms = "default",    

    resources = { -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        fern = "default",
        flint = "default",
        flower_cave = "default",
        flowers = "default",
        grass = "default",
        marshbush = "default",
        meteorshowers = "default",
        meteorspawner = "default",
        mushtree = "default",
        reeds = "default",
        rock = "default",
        rock_ice = "default",
        sapling = "default",
        trees = "default",
        tumbleweed = "default",
        wormlights = "default",    


This was taken from here, I'm not sure if there is a more updated one than that (there could be, but I can't find anything else). There are still some other missing presets for monsters like cave_spiders which would allow you to generate cave spiders in your overworld, should you choose to.

I hope that helps, cheers.

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How are you running your dedicated servers? There are currently three ways to play DST dedicated servers right now. One is through Preconfigured Dedicated Server, Manually Configuring Servers (Windows, Linux, Mac) and through cavespreview beta branch.

Preconfigured Dedicated Server and through the Cavespreview Beta Branch both automatically generates the slave server to be caves. While setting up your server manually, you'd need two active servers(master/overworld and slave/caves) for caves to work. If there is no slave server to connect to, the caves will not be accessible through the sinkhole. 

If you're wondering about worldgenoverride.lua for your caves server the most basic worldgenoverride would be as follows:

return { 
	override_enabled = true, 

For a more details with sample, you can refer to this post I made before that shows worldgenoverride for caves.

I hope that helps, cheers.

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