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Niko's Outback Steakhouse is looking for more members.

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Hey everyone, Niko established the dedicated server at the start of the new year and I came across it a little after the first week of January and became one of his admins. We're a social group and are looking for more people to help keep the server more active during the day. Niko, the other admins and I are open to mod suggestions, as long as they're balanced and compliment the vanilla characters and items, not become more useful and powerful than them.

I would appreciate it if you provided a link to your steam profile, so that I know that you came across our server from this post and not from being friend's of our current members or from when we've set the server to public. Most of our members live in North America, but people from every continent are welcome and encouraged to join. Living in different time zones will help keep the server active and to let everyone know, the server is based in Dallas, Texas so it's a very central location for most people which should help with keeping the ping as low as possible.

Here is a link to the group page


A list of our current mods


Discussions page


Mod Suggestions


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