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No heals?

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How can I make it so if my character has a specific tag to make him immune to any type of healing? Sleeping won't heal HP, Eating won't heal HP, absolutely everything about healing will not effect him whatsoever.

*Cough*Then maybe another tag that can heal but only half from the original value.

Anything is appreciated! Thank you!


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1 hour ago, rons0n said:

Anything is appreciated!

	local _DoDelta = inst.components.health.DoDelta
	inst.components.health.DoDelta = function(self, amount, overtime, cause, ignore_invincible, afflicter, ignore_absorb)
		if amount > 0 then
			if self.inst:HasTag("nohealz") then
				amount = 0
			elseif self.inst:HasTag("halfhealz") then
				amount = amount * 0.5
		_DoDelta(self, amount, overtime, cause, ignore_invincible, afflicter, ignore_absorb)

inside master_postinit.

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1 hour ago, DarkXero said:

	local _DoDelta = inst.components.health.DoDelta
	inst.components.health.DoDelta = function(self, amount, overtime, cause, ignore_invincible, afflicter, ignore_absorb)
		if amount > 0 then
			if self.inst:HasTag("nohealz") then
				amount = 0
			elseif self.inst:HasTag("halfhealz") then
				amount = amount * 0.5
		_DoDelta(self, amount, overtime, cause, ignore_invincible, afflicter, ignore_absorb)

inside master_postinit.

Much thanks! I wish I knew how mention works with this upgrade to the fourms so I don't have to quote all this.

I may have more questions sometine in the future but for now I appreciate all the help!

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14 minutes ago, rons0n said:

I wish I knew how mention works with this upgrade to the fourms so I don't have to quote all this.

Type the


then write the name of the guy you want.


it autocompletes and shows people to click, you don't have to introduce the full name.

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I felt like my second question doesn't warrant another thread so I decided to post it here:

My character transforms by a keyhandler creayed by Kzisor but I don't want people to transform back and fourth freely.

Is there a way to give it a time limit? For example: If CharA  presses the transform button to be CharB than he must wait atleast 5 days before pressing the transform button to go back to CharA and vice versa.

--Transformation Section
GLOBAL.TUNING.FRISK.KEY = GetModConfigData("charakey") or 122

local function CharaFn(inst)
if inst:HasTag("playerghost") then return end
if inst.transformed then
inst.components.locomotor:SetExternalSpeedMultiplier(inst, "frisk_speed_mod", 1.35)
inst.components.health.absorb = 0.1
inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 0.75
STRINGS.CHARACTERS.FRISK = require "speech_frisk"

	local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
	local fx = SpawnPrefab("groundpoundring_fx")
	fx.Transform:SetPosition(x, y, z)
inst.components.locomotor:SetExternalSpeedMultiplier(inst, "frisk_speed_mod", 1.35)
inst.components.health.absorb = 0.85
inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 1.75
STRINGS.CHARACTERS.FRISK = require "speech_chara"

	local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
	local fx = SpawnPrefab("firering_fx")
	fx.Transform:SetPosition(x, y, z)
inst.transformed = not inst.transformed
-- inst.components.health:SetCurrentHealth(1)
-- inst.components.health:DoDelta(0)
return true
AddModRPCHandler("frisk", "CHARA", CharaFn)

I joined the Undertale hype a bit late :)

Thank you for reading!

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local function CharaFn(inst)
	if inst:HasTag("playerghost") then return end
	if inst.transform_delay then return end

	inst.transform_task = inst:DoTaskInTime(inst._cooldown, inst.ResetDelay)
	inst.transform_delay = GLOBAL.GetTime() + inst._cooldown

	-- ...

with this, as you transform, you schedule a task for the following 5 days.

You also save the time where this task will be performed, which is the current sim time plus the task wait time.

As transform_delay holds a value, the if conditional will make the function return and not transform.

After 5 days, the ResetDelay makes transform_delay a nil, so you can transform again.


After this we only need to setup some functions in the prefab:

local function ResetDelay(inst)
	inst.transform_delay = nil

local function OnSave(inst, data)
	data.transform_delay = inst.transform_delay

local function OnLoad(inst, data)
	if data then
		if data.transform_delay then
			local time_left = GetTime() - data.transform_delay
			inst.transform_task = inst:DoTaskInTime(time_left, inst.ResetDelay)
			inst.transform_delay = data.transform_delay

local function master_postinit(inst)
	inst._cooldown = 5 * TUNING.TOTAL_DAY_TIME
	inst.ResetDelay = ResetDelay

	inst.OnSave = OnSave
	inst.OnLoad = OnLoad

ResetDelay, which makes inst.transform_delay a nil value, so we can transform again.

OnSave, which saves the simulation time where the cooldown restarts.

OnLoad, which loads the sim time we saved, compares the present sim time with the old one, and restarts the task.

inst._cooldown holds the cooldown value, also makes the cooldown accessible from outside the prefab.

inst.ResetDelay makes ResetDelay accessible from outside the prefab.

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@DarkXero Thanks! Everything seems to be in order! (Hopefully anyway, I tend to botch up the code placement...). Though time seems to reset when you relogin. Dunno where I messed up~

Unrelated, do you know why speeding up time by console won't do anything like it used to? Before, If I had a mod that messed with time, I would do LongUpdate and do my thing respectively. But now it seems like i'm always on Day1 or something even if i go to day 200.

Regardless I'm absolutely joyous this character is close to coming into the workshop. I appreciate you speeding up the process!



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8 hours ago, rons0n said:

Unrelated, do you know why speeding up time by console won't do anything like it used to? Before, If I had a mod that messed with time, I would do LongUpdate and do my thing respectively. But now it seems like i'm always on Day1 or something even if i go to day 200.

Works fine to me.

If you are a client of a dedicated server, remember to have admin privileges and have "Remote: " enabled.

If you are a ghost, then you won't age.

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I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THE FORUMS WORK ANYMORE HOW DO YOU USE SPOILER? I'm using pastebin for pasting my code. So lost right now.

Basically I used this: http://pastebin.com/vQAqSWw9

And that worked for a good amount. It's suppose to make you 'invisible' until you provoke something but now it doesn't seem to work at all? Or atleast a completely random matter. It's hard to explain. Can someone explain what I did to make this bit of code all finnicky? It worked just fine before.

modmain: http://pastebin.com/KMqGHx8P

character prefab: http://pastebin.com/M6WMAMZy

It looks like I had to add the tags directly into the common postinit to work properly. Which is weird because I didnt have to do that before. Ah well.


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