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Preconfigured Server Unconfigurable

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I've been searching for a solution to this issue for awhile now, I've tried premade worldgen.lua files and edited   lua's in a number of different configurations, but my overworld lua file settings dont seem to work.

I can get the overworld customizable by just using the same customized .lua in the both the overworld and cave folder, but when I do that, cave entrances dont lead to caves, they just shoot you out at another cave entrance on the map.  

To fix this problem I tried deleted the cave folder worldgen and let the server re-download the stock .lua.  But then when I restarted the preconfigs, the server's custom world settings were gone.   Previously long seasons ended in the standard 16-20 days.


Its a bit frustrating that I cant seem to get the world size or season types that I want implemented on my server.


Information on the issue seems to be pretty scarce, so I'm hoping someone here might be able to point me in the right direction.

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Hey @th3130 welcome to the forums. Firstly I believe the issue is with the filename, it should be called worldgenoverride.lua. Placed under your server's root folders in Documents\Klei.

The all the basic contents of the worldgenoverride.lua are as follows:


return {    
override_enabled = true,    
    unprepared = { -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        banana = "default",
        berrybush = "default",
        cactus = "default",
        carrot = "default",
        lichen = "default",
        mushroom = "default",    
    misc = {
        autumn = "default", -- "noseason", "veryshortseason", "shortseason", "default", "longseason", "verylongseason", "random"
        boons = "default", -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        branching = "default", -- "never", "least", "default", "most"
        cavelight = "default", -- "veryslow", "slow", "default", "fast", "veryfast"
        day = "default", -- "default", "longday", "longdusk", "longnight", "noday", "nodusk", "nonight", "onlyday", "onlydusk", "onlynight"
        earthquakes = "default", -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        frograin = "default", -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        lightning = "default", -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        loop = "default", -- "never", "default", "always"
        regrowth = "default", -- "veryslow", "slow", "default", "fast", "veryfast"
        season_start = "default", -- "default", "winter", "spring", "summer", "autumnorspring", "winterorsummer", "random"
        spring = "default", -- "noseason", "veryshortseason", "shortseason", "default", "longseason", "verylongseason", "random"
        start_location = "default", -- "caves", "default", "plus", "darkness"
        summer = "default", -- "noseason", "veryshortseason", "shortseason", "default", "longseason", "verylongseason", "random"
        task_set = "default", -- "classic", "default", "cave_default"
        touchstone = "default", -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        weather = "default", -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        wildfires = "default", -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        winter = "default", -- "noseason", "veryshortseason", "shortseason", "default", "longseason", "verylongseason", "random"
        world_size = "default", -- "small", "medium", "default", "huge"    },    animals = { -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        alternatehunt = "default",
        angrybees = "default",
        beefalo = "default",    
        beefaloheat = "default",
        bees = "default",
        birds = "default",
        bunnymen = "default",
        butterfly = "default",
        buzzard = "default",
        catcoon = "default",
        frogs = "default",
        hunt = "default",
        lightninggoat = "default",
        moles = "default",
        monkey = "default",
        penguins = "default",
        perd = "default",
        pigs = "default",
        rabbits = "default",
        rocky = "default",
        slurper = "default",
        slurtles = "default",
        tallbirds = "default",    

    monsters = { -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        bats = "default",
        bearger = "default",
        chess = "default",
        deciduousmonster = "default",
        deerclops = "default",
        dragonfly = "default",
        fissure = "default",
        goosemoose = "default",
        houndmound = "default",
        hounds = "default",
        krampus = "default",
        liefs = "default",
        lureplants = "default",
        merm = "default",
        spiders = "default",
        tentacles = "default",
        walrus = "default",
        worms = "default",    

    resources = { -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
        fern = "default",
        flint = "default",
        flower_cave = "default",
        flowers = "default",
        grass = "default",
        marshbush = "default",
        meteorshowers = "default",
        meteorspawner = "default",
        mushtree = "default",
        reeds = "default",
        rock = "default",
        rock_ice = "default",
        sapling = "default",
        trees = "default",
        tumbleweed = "default",
        wormlights = "default",    


For the cave's worldgenoverride.lua, most basic format would be this:


return { 
	override_enabled = true, 


Notice everything else is removed, that's because if something is set to default you don't need to add them at all. Seen here in the developers post.

Also after setting the new worldgenoverride.lua files, you must c_regenerateworld() again so the world would generate a new world with your new settings. If you want to toggle presets for the caves, down below is an example of how to do so that makes slurper be set to always, I've mentioned this in this post here:


return {    
override_enabled = true,   
preset = "DST_CAVE",        
	misc = {        
		start_location = "caves",
		task_set = "cave_default",
	animals = {
		slurper = "always",    


Lastly, don't forget to c_regenerateworld() your server so the changes can take place. I'd also recommend getting Notepad++ (source) as that helps a lot with tweaking .lua files. Make sure the .lua file really are .lua files. To save them as .lua files, follow the method I mentioned here. I hope that's the kind of information you were looking for.

Good luck and have fun, cheers.

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Thanks for the reply, I was just saving typing time for the file name.  I know the proper name, but for whatever reason, it wouldn't work correctly. 


I finally tried to run my old .bat files that worked perfectly before on the beta branch, and the server is once again configured the way I want it to be.  I did again redo the .lua file, maybe there was a missing code close or something.

 I'm going to try and run the server through the steam preconfig server tool and see if that causes the problem to come back again.  


Right now I just dont want to jinx it, so i'll do that experimenting tomorrow.


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@th3130 no worries, notepad++ should definitely help with troubleshooting your .lua files as there would be + - signs beside the number column that you can click that closes and opens texts that are enclosed in brackets.

If you happen to upon the same issue again tomorrow, feel free to attach your log.txt files if you need help with troubleshooting it. Good luck, cheers.

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