[Scarecrow for Don't starve]

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When we make a berry farm, the globber spoil our farm.

How about 'Scarecrow' for Don't starve?

In the constant radious, globber cannot go into the radious.

So, with this, we can protect berry bushes from globbers.

I have draw a picture of the scarecrow XD

How do you think of my idea?

Let's share opinions ;D20160121_111921.thumb.jpg.aa1265539be073

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Sound pretty sweet, but it might be slightly more useful to have something that attracts a gobbler, rather than repel it so you can get its meat. That would also make it easier though, and that's not really what the game is about. So I think a scarecrow would definitely be a good addition!

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Hi there, so scare crows have been in some forumer's minds for quite a while, I even made a suggestion about something like the Meat Effigy wearing a straw hat would deter birds from a radius or something... as for the perd/gobbler, they're a nuisance for berry farms one way or another, here's a previous suggestion on how to get them away from berry bushes: O__O

As for :

On 1/23/2016 at 2:06 PM, F0ZZY said:

it might be slightly more useful to have something that attracts a gobbler

Berry Bushes already do that ;)

There's a tactic that involves planting 1 or two tooth traps in front of berry bushes so when a gobbler comes out, it gets killed by it and boom, instant drum sticks :)

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12 hours ago, Asparagus said:

There's a tactic that involves planting 1 or two tooth traps in front of berry bushes so when a gobbler comes out, it gets killed by it and boom, instant drum sticks :)

I sorta meant something that the son of birchnut doesn't hide in. However, I had not thought of that. I've been using a similar tactic with a spider den to acquire monster meat and such while playing as Webber, but with traps of the non-toothed variety. I think I'm gonna go put that to use now.

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