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Dedicated Server Not Allowing Me to Edit It

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I am sorry if this is the wrong place/forum but I just made an account to ask this question. I have just tried to make a dedicated server so that I could play in the caves but I want to have special season lengths. I made the server and it works but it does not change the season lengths. I even set the world to have nothing just to test and it still spawned like normal. Can anyone help me with what I am doing wrong?

Note: the attachment is my worldgenoverride.lua file... it says .txt here but on my computer it is just .lua. Could that be a factor and if so can I change it? Any help appreciated!


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Hello @eths welcome to the forums. Since your worldgenoverride is saved as .txt, that's probably why the server isn't changing based on your changes. Also do note that according to this post any value set to "default" doesn't need to be specified at all. I'll be reattaching the .lua file back for you so you can just paste it into your server folder, then simply c_regenerateworld() your world for the changes to take effect. 

To create .lua files, you simply have to Save As the Notepad and change the drop down list called Save as type: into All Files (*.*) under the Filename: textbox.

I hope that helps, good luck. Cheers.


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Thank you for the help but unfortunately it seems to still be not cooperating (winter is starting at day 20 like normal)... It is definitely a lua folder now, I followed the steps and it says it is under the type. That had to have been an issue but there seems to be something else? I am following the forum guide here: http://dont-starve-game.wikia.com/wiki/Guides/Simple_Dedicated_Server_Setup

I also have researched it but no one else seems to have this issue. I cannot tell what I am doing wrong for this but thank you for the quick help! 

Also here is file location if that has to do with it. Thanks

Screenshot (1).png

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@eths did you enter the c_regenerateworld() in-game as admin or directly into the server prompt? You can also just delete the save folder inside your master server so upon server start up the server will generate a new world. You need to do that so the worldgenoverride will override the actual world generation which only happens at the start of the server. Report back if it doesn't work and attach the log.txt file of your master server (DoNotStarveTogetherDedicated).

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There's a missing comma after

override_enabled	= true	

should be there

return {
	override_enabled = true, -- Here

	-- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"
	unprepared = { 
		banana = "default",
		berrybush = "default",
		cactus = "default",
		carrot = "default",
		lichen = "default",
		mushroom = "default",


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Aha! That fixed it!

Thank you both so much for helping me, I was at it for so long. Thanks for the helpful info and thank goodness the world is working now I was about to loose it. Thanks again to both of you for giving your time to help! :D

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