Ice Box change

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Ice doesn't melt

Food spoils at 50%



Ice melts 33% slower

Food spoils 33% slower if no ice in ice box, does not spoil at all as long as there is ice in ice box



Basically forcing you to keep a check on the ice itself instead of the other food items.

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Hate to rain on your parade, but the ice box has been around for years now, so the actual chance of Klei modifying it is near-nonexistent.


Food spoils 33% slower if no ice in ice box, does not spoil at all as long as there is ice in ice box


This is very badly unbalanced. For one thing, it would completely remove all challenge from winter, since ice is incredibly plentiful and doesn't melt until you mine it. From there, you can just stockpile food on the first day of winter and have no need to leave your base for days. Where's the fun in that? Ice isn't even available year-round, so why require its usage? (And then there's the ice maker in Shipwrecked...)


Plus, summer would become absurdly difficult to survive in, what with the faster food spoilage time combined with the complete inability to stockpile ice or obtain any more. That also makes the ice cube, one of the best summer survival items, impossible to use. There's also the issue of food never spoiling, which means that high-health crock pot foods such as honey ham and waffles could be stored indefinitely and used at any time as a safety net, unless it's summer.


TL;DR, ice box is fine the way it is.

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