Bug/Suggestion for gameplay context sensitive actions


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I applaud this game. There's a lot it does right, it allows for a lot, and, unlike most titles in the last few years, I don't have many complaints about it. (I would love for a level editor to be created, and I think it would do wonders for replayability of this game, but I digress

At current, the context-sensitive actions are kind of hamfisted in their application.

Generally, yes, there's no real problem, but there are a few issues that lead to frustration:

  • Assassinations not triggering and instead punching
  • Moving corpses and interacting with hiding places, corpses commonly take precedence over the hiding place.
  • Wall vents and climbable ceilings, vents often prevent mounting the ceiling without jumping off the wall.
  • Corpses and vents, corpses take precedense over the vent for movement.

As for the Assassinations, I'm not sure how to handle that, that's a leeway consideration, but it's fairly annoying when it happens.

The rest, though, shouldn't be too hard to handle.

I propose that all "Corpse" actions should be handled by Down+<button>, corpses are below you so this shouldn't be in any way non-intuitive, and should never otherwise overlap with other contexts.

The Vent and Ceiling thing, I believe it would be prudent for, in any such situation where multiple <pc space bar> context's overlap, to give precedence to the one that is directionally sensitive.

In mounting walls, you have to press toward the wall to mount it, so if I'm literally clinging to a wall vent and am pressing up, the pressing up should give precedence to the wall mount over the vent. Currently, vent has priority, and if the vent had no priority, not pressing up would give me context for the vent.

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I may not be able to alter these problems, but I may be able to ease your idea or control of them.

Assassinations not triggering and instead punching

The only times I've encountered this is when I'm being rushed into a kill, and usually from the front, trying to skirt a guards FOV. Bottom line, if your guy punched instead of initiating a stealth kill, you hit the button a tad too Soon. Try the action again and wait a split second longer. You'll want the button prompt to be visable, if only for a fraction of a second.

Moving corpses and interacting with hiding places, corpses commonly take precedence over the hiding place.

Yea, this one can get frustrating. Here you want to pay CLOSE attention to the sutble highlight effect that will tell you what you will interact with if you press that button. If what you want to interact with is not highlighted, move a tad.

Wall vents and climbable ceilings, vents often prevent mounting the ceiling without jumping off the wall.

I used to have an issue with this, but I found a way to better dictate to the game which one I was trying to accomplish. You wanna climb as high as possible then hold AWAY from the wall and jump and your ninja should mount the ceiling.

Corpses and vents, corpses take precedense over the vent for movement.

Not sure what you're trying to say here as corpse interaction and vent interaction are two different buttons. When all else fails, pay close attention to what's highlighted with that sutble outline to know what you're going to interact with if pressing the button prompt.

Hope that helps you better enjoy this game.

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