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Taking an old world and using in the caves beta?

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Me and a few friends have been playing on a world for a while now, and i've been taking responsibilities as server host. I would really like to continue playing as I have the most history with the game and would like to keep people active with it, but the general consensus is that a total world restart is not something everyone would like to do. Is it possible to take the old world and add caves in? Would it be as simple as putting the old world save file in the DoNotStarveTogether_EasyConfigOverworld folder?


I'm a little overwhelmed as I start looking into shards and what not.

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Caves, as far as I understand, only work on dedicated servers for now and are out of beta already - just if you didn't know.

As for the setup - for now caves are a separate world, which need to run on a separate server-instance, meaning, whether you're running the dedicated server on a host or locally, you need to start two servers, one for the old world, one for the new caves world.

Basically you don't need to change/move any of the old save-games - you just need to adapt the settings.ini files for both servers to configure game-directories, ports, sharding and what not.

Generally, it should be possible to link a new cave world to your existing world. Just backup everything before you start changing stuff!

There's a topic on the forums regarding setting up caves.

Do you need help with a particular topic? Sharding? Running two servers parallel?

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