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Shameless plug for Fiskie's Furry Friendly Cavesbeta server!

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We're (actually) back on the air!  The server is now hosted on a friend's computer.

This lovely dedicated server has many mods, and what few problems it has are fixed as quickly as possible!  The gamemode is survival.  I'm slowly adding character mods, trying to keep the number fairly low, so I'm picking only the most popular or the highest quality mods. 

Mods are working.

Character Mods: Madeleine DST (non OP), <Default>'s Mod Pack, Wortox the demon King, Fed the bunny, Snikety Tom.


Item mods: Waiter 101 v3.9, Large Chests, Spike Traps, Beefalo Milk and cheese, Deluxe Campfires, <Default>'s Mod pack, 8 Faced Fences Gates, Turfed!


Utility Mods: Nature's Still Wild, Global Positions, Party Dance, Fashion, Fix Multiplayer, Digable and Craftable Reeds, Extra Equip Slots, Season Starting items, Turfed!


Worldgen and senario mods: Nature's Still Wild, Additional Set Pieces*, Krampusnacht, Fix Multiplayer(6 chesters). 

*Additional Set Pieces has been retired by the author.  If and when it returns, it will be re-added.  


Feel Free to suggest more mods!


While this server has only one admin at the moment, I do keep an eye on the server to see what's going on, and if I see people kicking up a fuss, I'll come on.  

Fix Multiplayer should stop most trolls/greifers in their tracks though.  You can't burn anything for 3 days, can't hammer for 3 days, and you drop your inventory upon leaving for 5 days. 



1. Don't be a greifer, troll, or just generally rude to other players. 

2. Listen to and respect the admins.

3. If you wanna be AFK, disconnect.  It's difficult to keep you alive, and you may cause a Giant or a buttload of unwanted hounds to spawn inside the base.

4. If you die on your first day, or repeatedly die stupid deaths before your 10th, you're getting kicked.

5. Speak English with at least some fluency. I hate kicking people for reasons they can't understand, but I'll do it.


To quickly connect to the server copy/paste c_connect("", 11000) into your console.


If you need to contact me, here's my steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/kitchevadimas/


Like the server?  Invite your friends! Leave a review below!


Want to be an admin?

1. Be a regular on the server.  If you're never on the server, you're never getting admin privileges.

2. Be able to live through a year without dying, and have at least 200 hours experience.

3. Know the rules well, and know what the punishments for breaking them are.

4. Don't abuse admin powers, or seem like you will abuse them.  If you seem like the kind of person who will c_give("whatever") whenever you are in a pinch, you're not getting admin privileges.

5. Don't beg or offer to pay for admin privileges.  You can ask once, I'll add you to a list of notable people as a potential admin, and keep an eye on you.  I host this server on my own computer, so no donations are currently necessary. 

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