Hat bug

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I have been playing the game and it seems that I cannot make the captain hat, pirate hat, or brain of thought. I have tried to make the first 2 twice and it just says "I can't do that" and all of the material for them vanishes. Same thing happened when I finally found brainy matter and tried to make the hat. It only seems to be doing it with new hats though, as I have been able to make new clothes and old hats. Has anyone else experienced this?

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I haven't experienced that exactly, but I did run into a small issue of not being able to craft something I'd previoulsy prototyped before (Limestone Suit) without being stood at the Alchemy Engine again. At the time I just figured it was the same mechanic as the Ancient Ruins (base game/RoG) craftable items in that you can only make them when next to the machine.

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