NOTICE: Change to the modinit.lua format to support localization.


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The latest patch made a change to the way mods are loaded to fix a bug with localization.


Old mods should load fine, but their strings won't be localizable until they've been updated.


This is the change they need: a new function is added that loads the strings before localization occurs. I'll be putting up an updated version of the API Example mod soon.

local function initStrings( modApi )    local dataPath = modApi:getDataPath()    local scriptPath = modApi:getScriptPath()    local DLC_STRINGS = include( scriptPath .. "/strings" )    modApi:addStrings( dataPath, "DLC1", DLC_STRINGS )    endreturn {    init = init,    load = load,    initStrings = initStrings,}
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