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Ubuntu 15 dedicated server problem

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Hi guys, so i finally decided to install a dedic server on a linux machine and i successfully generated the world for the first time I ran the console but after some time, I stopped server and restarted at some point and i got some warnings in the logs. To solve the problem I removed the file under session and restarted server but now in all of my new worlds, portal spawns in the water and all grass saplings are in the water side. I am literally joining to the game in water. Do you know any idea why it is happening? By the way i just started the server without any worldgen lua and such to test.. First time everything loaded as expected but as soon as i stopped and restarted a lot of things were failed to load or save like in the logs.


By the way someone told be to make a start_dst.sh script file and add the following line into it

screen -S "DST Server" bash -c './dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -console'

I ran the server second time with this script in which all problem started.



scripts/worldgen_main.lua(247,1) Checking map...
scripts/worldgen_main.lua(617,1) Generation complete
WorldSim::SimThread::Main() complete
Serializing world session to session/FFFFFFFF90624ADE/0000000001
        Unload FE
        Unload FE done
        LOAD BE
        LOAD BE: done
Begin Session: FFFFFFFF90624ADE
saving to server_temp/server_save
[CRITICAL] Failed to save file: /home/sycater/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/save/server_temp/server_save
[CRITICAL] Fingerprint:lhrjsjvnukdggkfltioqfhgigfnnnpeipdjlioijlhrjsjvnpjdggkflrhoqfhgiqfnnnpeildjlioijaerjsjvnjkdggkflghoqfhgiejnnnpeiihjlioijpdrjsjvnqkdggkflnioqfhgikfnnnpeijhjlioijabrjsjvntkdggkflskoqfhgiefnnnpeioejlioijhcrjsjvnijdggkfljioqfhgirgnnnpeiqejlioijbdrjsjvnildggkfltioqfhgimfnnnpeipdjlioijaerjsjvnukdggkflnioqfhgirgnnnpeijhjlioijherjsjvnnkdggkflkhoqfhgiofnnnpeijhjlioijherjsjvnjkdggkflghoqfhgingnnnpeipdjlioijgerjsjvntldggkflmhoqfhgiofnnnpeihdjlioijeerjsjvntodggkflhhoqfhgiofnnnpeimejlioijcerjsjvnjkdggkflghoqfhgieinnnpeinejlioijfdrjsjvnkjdggkflnioqfhgi.
MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )
Loading Nav Grid
Reconstructing topology
        ...Sorting points
        ...Sorting edges
        ...Connecting nodes
        ...Validating connections
1 uploads added to server. From server_temp
Telling Client our new session identifier: FFFFFFFF90624ADE
[CRITICAL] Failed to save file: /home/sycater/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/save/saveindex
[CRITICAL] Fingerprint:lhrjsjvnukdggkfltioqfhgigfnnnpeipdjlioijlhrjsjvnpjdggkflrhoqfhgiqfnnnpeildjlioijaerjsjvnjkdggkflghoqfhgiejnnnpeiihjlioijpdrjsjvnqkdggkflnioqfhgikfnnnpeijhjlioijabrjsjvntkdggkflskoqfhgiefnnnpeioejlioijhcrjsjvnijdggkfljioqfhgirgnnnpeiqejlioijbdrjsjvnildggkfltioqfhgimfnnnpeipdjlioijaerjsjvnukdggkflnioqfhgirgnnnpeijhjlioijherjsjvnnkdggkflkhoqfhgiofnnnpeijhjlioijherjsjvnnkdggkflkhoqfhgiofnnnpeiddjlioijkdrjsjvnikdggkflnioqfhgilgnnnpei.
[s_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 322330
SteamGameServer_Init Success
New incoming connection|60772 GUID: 788130214491276134
Client connected from IP:
ValidateGameSessionToken token: re^eyJVc2VySUQiOiJLVV9wRjFsc0habSIsIkdhbWUiOiJEb250U3RhcnZlVG9nZXRoZXIiLCJQdXJwb3NlIjoiR2FtZVNlc3Npb24ifQ==^H5R4lGgUtPFeZtMnVQsbcmaUYAX5vbCW for: 788130214491276134
[steam] UserConnectAndAuthenticate successfully sent for steamid '76561198194237134'
Received request to resume from: session/FFFFFFFF90624ADE/KU_pF1lsHZk_
OnResumeRequestLoadComplete - UserID KU_pF1lsHZk
Received request to spawn as wilson from AXC

[Fixed] SPAWNING PLAYER AT: (20.00, 0.00, -68.00)
Serializing user session to session/FFFFFFFF90624ADE/KU_pF1lsHZk_/0000000002
[Announcement] join_game AXC has joined the game.
[Announcement] leave_game AXC has left the game.
[steam] UserDisconnect successfully sent for steamid '76561198194237134'
Serializing user minimap to session/FFFFFFFF90624ADE/KU_pF1lsHZk_/minimap
Serializing user session to session/FFFFFFFF90624ADE/KU_pF1lsHZk_/0000000002


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Hi @PolarBeer,



it seems there be a permission problem in multiple folders on your servers


should i change home directory's ownership to my super user account from root such as

sudo chown –R sycater:sycater  ~/

? or would it cause a security problem in linux machines? changing whole home directory of a specific username to itself is a good idea in linux? and will it work? or is there any other solution to do it?




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if sycater is really owner of folder


don't change the owner of folder (yes for security question he's better to stay with your current user)



No the owner of the folder seems like root for my home directory. Not the super user i assigned.



drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Sep 26 23:53 dst_server

drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Sep 26 23:53 Steam

drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Sep 26 23:52 steamcmd


this is the home directory for sycater user. However for the hidden directory ~/.klei, the ownership seems like sycater and group ownership is also sycater



drwxr-xr-x 3 sycater sycater 4096 Sep 27 06:45 DoNotStarveTogether


also permission is already like 755 for this folder..


another part is this inside ~/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether file permissions are like this



-rw-r--r-- 1 sycater sycater     0 Sep 27 08:02 chat_log.txt

-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root    45325 Sep 27 05:29 log.txt

drwxr-xr-x 6 sycater sycater  4096 Sep 27 02:54 save

-rw------- 1 sycater sycater    32 Sep 27 02:28 server_token.txt

-rw-r--r-- 1 sycater sycater   463 Sep 27 08:02 settings.ini



seems like save folder seems to have permission 755

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if I understand you install your server DST with root?

I see your dst_server with as owner is root

indeed it would be change this for security but also for the server to function properly

(make this command with root and be in the home directory to view the folder below)chown -R sycater:sycater dst_server Steam steamcmd
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su - sycatercd /home/sycater/.klei/chmod -R 755 DoNotStarveTogether


Okay thank you, this one solved my problem but file still says



sycater@dontstarvetogether:~/dst_server/bin$ sudo ./start_dst.sh



1 uploads added to server. From server_temp

Telling Client our new session identifier: 000000003BBFCA34

[s_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.

Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 322330

SteamGameServer_Init Success

New incoming connection|61418 GUID: 684547455959906781

Client connected from IP:

ValidateGameSessionToken token: re^eyJVc2VySUQiOiJLVV9wRjFsc0habSIsIkdhbWUiOiJEb250U3RhcnZlVG9nZXRoZXIiLCJQdXJwb3NlIjoiR2FtZVNlc3Npb24ifQ==^fRTBoO3GPRFlPvdEu+Q2hApf6M96vuyk for: 684547455959906781


[steam] UserConnectAndAuthenticate successfully sent for steamid '76561198194237109'


Received request to resume from: session/000000003BBFCA34/KU_pF1lsHZm_

OnResumeRequestLoadComplete - UserID KU_pF1lsHZm

Received request to spawn as wilson from Gingerbread

[Fixed] SPAWNING PLAYER AT: (128.00, 0.00, 76.00)

Serializing user session to session/000000003BBFCA34/KU_pF1lsHZm_/0000000002

[Announcement] join_game Gingerbread has joined the game.




[s_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed. is this a problem?

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I am going to make it too but how do i stop server? I just ran with this script an logout from sycater account:

screen -S "DST Server" bash -c './dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -console'

Problem is once i got back to the server there is no screen for it. so i cant kill screen to stop. I was stopping server like that before.

but now the major problem is i have no idea how to stop server from running

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no it says there is no screen like that but server is up..



you can stop screen with this command (that's going stop your server) :

screen -dr name_of_your_screen -X -S quit

for your screen it's like that:

screen -dr DST Server -X -S quit

there has hugely way for stop a server
I just show a simple method

sycater@dontstarvetogether:~/dst_server/bin$ screen -dr DST Server -X -S quitThere is no screen to be detached matching DST.sycater@dontstarvetogether:~/dst_server/bin$
sycater@dontstarvetogether:~/dst_server/bin$ screen -listNo Sockets found in /var/run/screen/S-sycater.


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and if you make this:

ps -ef | grep DSTor ps -ef | grep dst

if you have no answer, it's look like your server don't running



sycater@dontstarvetogether:~/dst_server/bin$ ps -ef | grep DST

root      6830     1  0 15:28 ?        00:00:00 SCREEN -S DST Server bash -c ./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -console

root      6922     1  0 15:38 ?        00:00:00 SCREEN -S DST Server bash -c ./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -console

root      7122     1  0 15:54 ?        00:00:00 SCREEN -S DST Server bash -c ./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -console

sycater   7236  6902  0 16:10 pts/0    00:00:00 grep DST

sycater@dontstarvetogether:~/dst_server/bin$ screen ls

[screen is terminating]

sycater@dontstarvetogether:~/dst_server/bin$ screen -ls

No Sockets found in /var/run/screen/S-sycater.


And i can still join to server and 5 people playing now.

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this is because you start checking the screen with user sycater:

sycater@dontstarvetogether:~/dst_server/bin$ screen -lsNo Sockets found in /var/run/screen/S-sycater.

except that your screens are run it as root:

root      6830     1  0 15:28 ?        00:00:00 SCREEN -S DST Server bash -c ./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -consoleroot      6922     1  0 15:38 ?        00:00:00 SCREEN -S DST Server bash -c ./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -consoleroot      7122     1  0 15:54 ?        00:00:00 SCREEN -S DST Server bash -c ./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -console

when you check the screens he check only with your current user


and that's why you can't kill the screen because the owner of the screen is root


you need to redo the manipulation as root

by cons it's best to launch the screen with your user sycater

(also for the security issues)

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this is because you start checking the screen with user sycater:

sycater@dontstarvetogether:~/dst_server/bin$ screen -lsNo Sockets found in /var/run/screen/S-sycater.

except that your screens are run it as root:

root      6830     1  0 15:28 ?        00:00:00 SCREEN -S DST Server bash -c ./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -consoleroot      6922     1  0 15:38 ?        00:00:00 SCREEN -S DST Server bash -c ./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -consoleroot      7122     1  0 15:54 ?        00:00:00 SCREEN -S DST Server bash -c ./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -console

when you check the screens he check only with your current user


and that's why you can't kill the screen because the owner of the screen is root


you need to redo the manipulation as root

by cons it's best to launch the screen with your user sycater

(also for the security issues)


i guess this is because all of my home directory and files belong to root. I run that script with


sudo ./script.sh


not directly like




because it belongs to root as i said.


so i can see the process in top command


should i kill it from there to stop process?


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when you are root


you can make again this:




normally it should work, because you will see the screen


unfortunatly i don't use top, i use htop


if that's not works with command, tell me i going explain how to kill with htop


Alright man i stopped server changed the ownership of sycater's home directory and now when i run the process i can see it even logging out and comin back server is there i can return to screen and world generates without any problem as well..


Thank you VERY much for your all help. I will mention you in my server description :p.

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Well thanks man. Also what are the additional files needed? such as blocklis.txt, adminlist.txt, modeverrides.lua, another mod lua (i dont remember its name), worlgen.lua? what exactly the name of those files and what should be their directories?


Should I use filezilla to upload those files or just create it like worldgen.lua, adminlist.txt and such?

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you are on version cave? (beta public)



if no, i make just some example with your settings:


blocklist.txt => create the file here: => /home/sycater/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/save

adminlist.txt => create the file here: => /home/sycater/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/save

whitelist.txt => create the file here: => /home/sycater/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/save

worldgenoverride.lua => if not present create the file here: => home/sycater/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether

modeverrides.lua => if not present create the file here: => home/sycater/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether


i have put example for worldgenoverride.lua in attachement


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you are on version cave? (beta public)



if no, i make just some example with your settings:


blocklist.txt => create the file here: => /home/sycater/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/save

adminlist.txt => create the file here: => /home/sycater/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/save

whitelist.txt => create the file here: => /home/sycater/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/save

worldgenoverride.lua => if not present create the file here: => home/sycater/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether

modeverrides.lua => if not present create the file here: => home/sycater/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether


i have put example for worldgenoverride.lua in attachement


there should be one more lua file for modding. I remember this from citadelservers. Like one of them helps you to download mods but the other one is about arranging config files for a specific mod..


Not really into caves at the moment. I could hardly install this :p. Should get comfortable with installing normal one first to think about caves...

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