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how would I go about adding special things to my custom character?

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maybe this?

you can search for it in the wigfrid.lua/wathgrithr.lua




local function onkilled(inst, data)

    local victim = data.victim

    if IsValidVictim(victim) then

        -- local delta = victim.components.combat.defaultdamage * 0.25

        -- inst.components.health:DoDelta(delta, false, "battleborn")

        -- inst.components.sanity:DoDelta(delta)

        if not victim.components.health.nofadeout and (victim:HasTag("epic") or math.random() < .1) then

            local time = victim.components.health.destroytime or 2

            local x, y, z = victim.Transform:GetWorldPosition()

            local scale = (victim:HasTag("smallcreature") and smallScale)

                        or (victim:HasTag("largecreature") and largeScale)

                        or medScale

            inst:DoTaskInTime(time, spawnspirit, x, y, z, scale)







local function onattack(inst, data)

    local victim = data.target

    if not inst.components.health:IsDead() and IsValidVictim(victim) then

        local total_health = victim.components.health:GetMaxWithPenalty()

        local damage = data.weapon ~= nil and data.weapon.components.weapon.damage or inst.components.combat.defaultdamage

        local percent = (damage <= 0 and 0)

                    or (total_health <= 0 and math.huge)

                    or damage / total_health

        --math and clamp does account for 0 and infinite cases

        local delta = math.clamp(victim.components.combat.defaultdamage * .25 * percent, .33, 2)

        --decay stored battleborn

        if inst.battleborn > 0 then

            local dt = GetTime() - inst.battleborn_time - BATTLEBORN_STORE_TIME

            if dt >= BATTLEBORN_DECAY_TIME then

                inst.battleborn = 0

            elseif dt > 0 then

                local k = dt / BATTLEBORN_DECAY_TIME

                inst.battleborn = Lerp(inst.battleborn, 0, k * k)



        --store new battleborn

        inst.battleborn = inst.battleborn + delta

        inst.battleborn_time = GetTime()

        --consume battleborn if enough has been stored

        if inst.battleborn > BATTLEBORN_TRIGGER_THRESHOLD then

            inst.components.health:DoDelta(inst.battleborn, false, "battleborn")


            inst.battleborn = 0




local function ondeath(inst)

    inst.battleborn = 0




Edited by EulenMarie
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Yeah ive tried this and have had so many crashes and problems it just isn't working so I took to the forums... Also worth noting I want my character to sap health and hunger instead of hunger and sanity! D: problems

Update: added Wigfrids code to my character and launched it without errors or crashing but doens't seem to be working... added file for character.

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Update: added Wigfrids code to my character and launched it without errors or crashing but doens't seem to be working... added file for character.


I'm not god @coding but, pls make screenshots if the games crashed.

Do you haven't a crash, send the log.txt


documents>klei>dont starve together>log.txt



then the people with knowledge can see whats going wrong ^^

Edited by EulenMarie
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I'm not god @coding but, pls make screenshots if the games crashed.

Do you haven't a crash, send the log.txt


documents>klei>dont starve together>log.txt



then the people with knowledge can see whats going wrong ^^

This is a non-crash log. Not sure if anyone needs but yeah, Wigfrid's code is going in fine and starting up without crashes it just isn't working with my character like he isn't sapping health or anything.


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That would be because your onkilled and onattack functions are doing nothing. You need to attach them to the events "killed" and "onattackother" by putting these lines in the master_postinit:

inst:ListenForEvent("killed", onkilled)inst:ListenForEvent("onattackother", onattack)inst:ListenForEvent("death", ondeath)

Also the ondeath function.

And it's just a me thing but I preffer putting common_postinit and master_postinit in the bottom next to each other.

Changed it so it saps health and hunger instead of health and sanity. Try it:


Edited by DrSmugleaf
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