Game shouldn't be over when we have chance to rewind

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I'm trying out solo mode, run single agent on field.

when spotted, my agent merged a passing by enemy, so she got shot and game is over, just like end of turn, ESC, *thud*. Very upset about that, especially when I have a rewind chance unused. But game is already over and can do nothing about it. Even a last word.


So I suggest do not end the game until you run out of rewind.

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That shouldn't happen. The game always checks to see if you have any rewinds remaining and lets you decide whether to rewind or end the mission. If you can re-create this with images, maybe you can send in a bug report to see this fixed.


I tried again and found if agents are shot at our turn. We can rewind if we have rewind chance remained.

But if the last agent got shot at enemy turn, the game will ended suddenly, without checking if you have rewind chance.

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