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Steam DST Dedicated Server Question

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Is there a (Steam) DST Dedicated Server guide anywhere?


Information: I have Don't Starve, Don't Starve Together, and Don't Starve Together Dedicated Server all owned and downloaded from steam. So I have 3 separate files and they are all on the same steam account.


I wish to figure out how to set up a DST Dedicated Server so that I may teach my friend how to set one up on his PC so that my friends and I may play together without having to wait on the server host to log on through his character.


I keep getting an authentication error when starting up the program. I looked around and I read that it's it error because you have to buy the game which I have but I still get the error. I've googled guides, fixes, and all that I can think of but I only come up with guides that tell me to go to my Klie folder which I do not have because it's all through my steam folder.


Could anyone link me to a guide or possibly help me out?


Thanks for reading~

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