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Snowstorm mod idea

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Hi, I've been thinking of some cool stuff to add to the game, but I have no idea how to do all these things, so I'm just putting these ideas out. I have been thinking about snowstorms, during the winter months, bringing really harsh conditions, like low visibility, having like a fog around the screen, limiting what you can see in a radius around the player.

Pigs and other mobs would stay in there houses and not come out.

Beefalo will huddle together and stay in a small area.

Thick snow could cover the ground after a day or so, reducing movement speed.

There could also be a yeti type mob that only appear during blizzards, yielding great loot if you manage to kill one.

A wind sock structure, like those at airfields, could be built, when it starts blowing, moving wildly, it indicates that a blizzard is approaching, giving you time to prepare. If anyone fancies giving it a go, you are more than welcome. I have loads of ideas for other stuff as well.

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Would definitely love to see something like this. There needs to be heavier snow storms in Don't Starve; perhaps if the snow storm is severe enough it causes a white-out-like effect that blurs the edges of the screen so you can only see a few feet around the PC? Thought that would be a neat thing to see :)

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