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[Dedicated] [Windows] Players experiencing lag/rubberbanding on our server.

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Due to some reason, whenever players (including myself) join with some people online, you most likely have to wait for like a minute for the game to start running smoothly because of the rendering and finding where people are located. I was wondering if there is a way to fix this kind of issue (Using tick rate 15) or if it will be fixed. We have 45 mods installed apart from that but people are simply experiencing lag even when the server is being a good host. Just wanted to report this.

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@M00t, Tick rate really shouldn't have much to do with rubberbanding. In my experience it's just caused by the server not being able to complete sim ticks in time due to too many entities being active. When I was testing on your server I saw you turned up a lot of stuff in the worldgen, this would contribute to rubberbanding.

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@M00t, Tick rate really shouldn't have much to do with rubberbanding. In my experience it's just caused by the server not being able to complete sim ticks in time due to too many entities being active. When I was testing on your server I saw you turned up a lot of stuff in the worldgen, this would contribute to rubberbanding.

I already reduced a lot of settings also regarding the mod "renewable world". I just counted my entities and the log can be found down below, is there any way for me to smoothen this up if this is the case? I noted that out of every tick setting 10 is the best.


[02:32:45]: Total entities: 19542 (awake 4170)	[02:32:45]: No prefab: 86	[02:32:45]: Invalid entities: 0	[02:32:45]:               evergreen -  4240	[02:32:45]:                   grass -  2544	[02:32:45]:    inventoryitem_classified -  2458	[02:32:45]:                 sapling -  1110	[02:32:45]:               cave_fern -   587	[02:32:45]:             flower_cave -   339	[02:32:45]:           basalt_pillar -   331	[02:32:45]:            spoiled_food -   327	[02:32:45]:                  basalt -   309	[02:32:45]:        evergreen_sparse -   308	[02:32:45]:                   rock1 -   276	[02:32:45]:              marsh_bush -   204	[02:32:45]:                   rocks -   199	[02:32:45]:                   flint -   198	[02:32:45]:      flower_cave_double -   188	[02:32:45]:                   seeds -   187	[02:32:45]:                   reeds -   176	[02:32:45]:                pinecone -   170	[02:32:45]:                    poop -   161	[02:32:45]:               wall_wood -   161	[02:32:45]:                  flower -   159	[02:32:45]:                  lichen -   155	[02:32:45]:                   rock2 -   151	[02:32:45]:                   flies -   143	[02:32:45]:               fireflies -   135	[02:32:45]:               rock_moon -   133	[02:32:45]:                  rabbit -   131	[02:32:45]:              rabbithole -   128	[02:32:45]:          rock_flintless -   120	[02:32:45]:      flower_cave_triple -   116	[02:32:45]:                eyeplant -   108	[02:32:45]:              marsh_tree -   102	[02:32:45]:         mushtree_medium -    99	[02:32:45]:              wall_ruins -    97	[02:32:45]:           blue_mushroom -    96	[02:32:45]:          mushtree_small -    91	[02:32:45]:               berrybush -    87	[02:32:45]:             marsh_plant -    85	[02:32:45]:    spawnpoint_multiplayer -    83	[02:32:45]:         skeleton_player -    79	[02:32:45]:                   nitre -    76	[02:32:45]:           mushtree_tall -    74	[02:32:45]:            red_mushroom -    74	[02:32:45]:    container_classified -    72	[02:32:45]:                farmrock -    70	[02:32:45]:              wall_stone -    64	[02:32:45]:          green_mushroom -    61	[02:32:45]:            farmrocktall -    60	[02:32:45]:        brokenwall_ruins -    60	[02:32:45]:                  monkey -    54	[02:32:45]:            farmrockflat -    50	[02:32:45]:                cutgrass -    46	[02:32:45]:          carrot_planted -    43	[02:32:45]:                 beehive -    39	[02:32:45]:                backpack -    37	[02:32:45]:               spiderden -    36	[02:32:45]:                 beefalo -    36	[02:32:45]:                     bee -    35	[02:32:45]:                tentacle -    34	[02:32:45]:        nightmarelightfx -    31	[02:32:45]:            pillar_algae -    31	[02:32:45]:          nightmarelight -    31	[02:32:45]:               fencepost -    30	[02:32:45]:                  spider -    29	[02:32:45]:                   twigs -    27	[02:32:45]:             flower_evil -    26	[02:32:45]:          moonrocknugget -    25	[02:32:45]:                    worm -    25	[02:32:45]:                 stinger -    25	[02:32:45]:             slurtlehole -    24	[02:32:45]:                   rocky -    24	[02:32:45]:               dug_grass -    24	[02:32:45]:        cave_banana_tree -    23	[02:32:45]:           treasurechest -    22	[02:32:45]:                 slurper -    21	[02:32:45]:                    trap -    21	[02:32:45]:                    silk -    20	[02:32:45]:      nightmarefissurefx -    20	[02:32:45]:           fissure_lower -    20	[02:32:45]:          fencepostright -    20	[02:32:45]:                     log -    19	[02:32:45]:              mech_stone -    19	[02:32:45]:                   mound -    18	[02:32:45]:             spidergland -    18	[02:32:45]:         tentacle_garden -    17	[02:32:45]:                   guano -    17	[02:32:45]:                 pickaxe -    17	[02:32:45]:                     axe -    17	[02:32:45]:                   robin -    16	[02:32:45]:                  redgem -    15	[02:32:45]:                cutreeds -    15	[02:32:45]:            monkeybarrel -    14	[02:32:45]:                 bluegem -    14	[02:32:45]:                  pigman -    14	[02:32:45]:                signleft -    13	[02:32:45]:                    pond -    13	[02:32:45]:         stalagmite_tall -    13	[02:32:45]:              goldnugget -    13	[02:32:45]:           nightmarefuel -    12	[02:32:45]:    globalposition_classified -    12	[02:32:45]:        globalplayericon -    12	[02:32:45]:       locked_mech_stone -    11	[02:32:45]:              gravestone -    11	[02:32:45]:                charcoal -    11	[02:32:45]:                    merm -    11	[02:32:45]:             houndstooth -    10	[02:32:45]:         wall_stone_item -    10	[02:32:45]:                   spear -    10	[02:32:45]:             beefaloherd -    10	[02:32:45]:          spider_warrior -    10	[02:32:45]:           fast_farmplot -    10	[02:32:45]:          tikitorchflame -    10	[02:32:45]:      rock_flintless_med -    10	[02:32:45]:    inventory_classified -    10	[02:32:45]:                  hammer -    10	[02:32:45]:                   torch -    10	[02:32:45]:       player_classified -    10	[02:32:45]:       alwaysontikitorch -    10	[02:32:45]:                 firepit -     9	[02:32:45]:          rook_nightmare -     9	[02:32:45]:                pighouse -     9	[02:32:45]:               trinket_6 -     9	[02:32:45]:              stickright -     9	[02:32:45]:       ruins_rubble_vase -     9	[02:32:45]:                skeleton -     9	[02:32:45]:              berrybush2 -     9	[02:32:45]:                  shovel -     8	[02:32:45]:              marbletree -     8	[02:32:45]:                wormhole -     8	[02:32:45]:                follower -     8	[02:32:45]:                 cookpot -     8	[02:32:45]:               mermhouse -     8	[02:32:45]:                    crow -     8	[02:32:45]:      rock_flintless_low -     8	[02:32:45]:     stalagmite_tall_med -     8	[02:32:45]:               pond_cave -     7	[02:32:45]:             researchlab -     7	[02:32:45]:                  boards -     7	[02:32:45]:           tentaclespike -     7	[02:32:45]:             monstermeat -     7	[02:32:45]:                     bat -     7	[02:32:45]:                orbstaff -     7	[02:32:45]:              pond_algae -     7	[02:32:45]:            feather_crow -     7	[02:32:45]:               pitchfork -     6	[02:32:45]:     stalagmite_tall_low -     6	[02:32:45]:                dirtpile -     6	[02:32:45]:                pond_mos -     6	[02:32:45]:               purplegem -     6	[02:32:45]:                meatrack -     6	[02:32:45]:                   birdy -     6	[02:32:45]:                    rook -     6	[02:32:45]:                  marble -     6	[02:32:45]:               stickleft -     6	[02:32:45]:             pillar_cave -     6	[02:32:45]:            researchlab2 -     6	[02:32:45]:                   stick -     6	[02:32:45]:               houndbone -     6	[02:32:45]:                cutstone -     6	[02:32:45]:                 lighter -     6	[02:32:45]:          wall_wood_item -     6	[02:32:45]:           feather_robin -     5	[02:32:45]:             beefalowool -     5	[02:32:45]:             ruins_table -     5	[02:32:45]:               beardhair -     5	[02:32:45]:      ruins_rubble_table -     5	[02:32:45]:      ruins_rubble_chair -     5	[02:32:45]:             penguin_ice -     5	[02:32:45]:            tallbirdnest -     5	[02:32:45]:            plant_normal -     5	[02:32:45]:                wasphive -     5	[02:32:45]:               butterfly -     5	[02:32:45]:                    rope -     5	[02:32:45]:                    frog -     5	[02:32:45]:           lureplantbulb -     5	[02:32:45]:           meteorspawner -     4	[02:32:45]:          crawlinghorror -     4	[02:32:45]:                 pigskin -     4	[02:32:45]:               rockyherd -     4	[02:32:45]:              sanityrock -     4	[02:32:45]:               lureplant -     4	[02:32:45]:          dug_marsh_bush -     4	[02:32:45]:                  icebox -     4	[02:32:45]:                 lantern -     4	[02:32:45]:            pillar_ruins -     4	[02:32:45]:               rottenegg -     4	[02:32:45]:            insanityrock -     4	[02:32:45]:                 pighead -     4	[02:32:45]:                  knight -     4	[02:32:45]:                tallbird -     4	[02:32:45]:                 berries -     4	[02:32:45]:                  carrot -     4	[02:32:45]:                bunnyman -     4	[02:32:45]:            campfirefire -     4	[02:32:45]:             walrus_camp -     4	[02:32:45]:              trinket_12 -     4	[02:32:45]:             spiderqueen -     3	[02:32:45]:                  beebox -     3	[02:32:45]:                   gears -     3	[02:32:45]:             rabbithouse -     3	[02:32:45]:                birdcage -     3	[02:32:45]:             dug_sapling -     3	[02:32:45]:           slow_farmplot -     3	[02:32:45]:                strawhat -     3	[02:32:45]:               honeycomb -     3	[02:32:45]:                mosquito -     3	[02:32:45]:                    tent -     3	[02:32:45]:                blue_cap -     3	[02:32:45]:               trinket_2 -     3	[02:32:45]:                homesign -     3	[02:32:45]:               thulecite -     3	[02:32:45]:               armorwood -     2	[02:32:45]:              crashbandi -     2	[02:32:45]:              fedora_hat -     2	[02:32:45]:                birdtrap -     2	[02:32:45]:                  tophat -     2	[02:32:45]:           lightning_rod -     2	[02:32:45]:           statuemaxwell -     2	[02:32:45]:            wilson_house -     2	[02:32:45]:               baconeggs -     2	[02:32:45]:               goldenaxe -     2	[02:32:45]:            slurtleslime -     2	[02:32:45]:             turf_forest -     2	[02:32:45]:               plantmeat -     2	[02:32:45]:               r_shelter -     2	[02:32:45]:                 papyrus -     2	[02:32:45]:              turf_grass -     2	[02:32:45]:                    cane -     2	[02:32:45]:                    alox -     2	[02:32:45]:              trinket_11 -     2	[02:32:45]:            winterometer -     2	[02:32:45]:             footballhat -     2	[02:32:45]:        thulecite_pieces -     2	[02:32:45]:               green_cap -     2	[02:32:45]:                 heather -     2	[02:32:45]:                minerhat -     2	[02:32:45]:        knight_nightmare -     2	[02:32:45]:              chessjunk3 -     2	[02:32:45]:            emeraldspear -     2	[02:32:45]:                   razor -     2	[02:32:45]:        trunkvest_winter -     2	[02:32:45]:               meatballs -     2	[02:32:45]:             petals_evil -     1	[02:32:45]:             sweatervest -     1	[02:32:45]:           bedroll_straw -     1	[02:32:45]:                 pigking -     1	[02:32:45]:              rainometer -     1	[02:32:45]:    locked_mech_stone_item -     1	[02:32:45]:                 bushhat -     1	[02:32:45]:             walrus_tusk -     1	[02:32:45]:            goldenshovel -     1	[02:32:45]:        koalefant_summer -     1	[02:32:45]:              trap_teeth -     1	[02:32:45]:              focalpoint -     1	[02:32:45]:            turf_savanna -     1	[02:32:45]:              armorgrass -     1	[02:32:45]:           ancient_altar -     1	[02:32:45]:              nightlight -     1	[02:32:45]:        bishop_nightmare -     1	[02:32:45]:                 minimap -     1	[02:32:45]:               turf_road -     1	[02:32:45]:            mosquitosack -     1	[02:32:45]:              featherhat -     1	[02:32:45]:                   lilum -     1	[02:32:45]:              trinket_10 -     1	[02:32:45]:                   honey -     1	[02:32:45]:         cookedsmallmeat -     1	[02:32:45]:                    horn -     1	[02:32:45]:              trinket_13 -     1	[02:32:45]:                greengem -     1	[02:32:45]:               dragonpie -     1	[02:32:45]:               trinket_7 -     1	[02:32:45]:               killerbee -     1	[02:32:45]:       spawnpoint_master -     1	[02:32:45]:                     ash -     1	[02:32:45]:              ruins_vase -     1	[02:32:45]:           goldenpickaxe -     1	[02:32:45]:                  forest -     1	[02:32:45]:            purpleamulet -     1	[02:32:45]:              smoketrail -     1	[02:32:45]:             wine_bottle -     1	[02:32:45]:         stuffedeggplant -     1	[02:32:45]:                  willow -     1	[02:32:45]:                 reviver -     1	[02:32:45]:            researchlab3 -     1	[02:32:45]:          butterflywings -     1	[02:32:45]:             earmuffshat -     1	[02:32:45]:            littlesister -     1	[02:32:45]:             orangestaff -     1	[02:32:45]:               livinglog -     1	[02:32:45]:                   wixel -     1	[02:32:45]:          manrabbit_tail -     1	[02:32:45]:               yellowgem -     1	[02:32:45]:               ruins_bat -     1	[02:32:45]:              turf_marsh -     1	[02:32:45]:            researchlab4 -     1	[02:32:45]:      multiplayer_portal -     1	[02:32:45]:          berries_cooked -     1	[02:32:45]:         chester_eyebone -     1	[02:32:45]:               trinket_4 -     1	[02:32:45]:                  bugnet -     1	[02:32:45]:               winterhat -     1	[02:32:45]:              armorruins -     1	[02:32:45]:               rubyspear -     1	[02:32:45]:                 compass -     1	[02:32:45]:              beefalohat -     1	[02:32:45]:              spiderhole -     1	[02:32:45]:                ruinshat -     1	[02:32:45]:               orangegem -     1	[02:32:45]:                    meat -     1	[02:32:45]:                minotaur -     1	[02:32:45]:           tentaclespots -     1	[02:32:45]:            slurper_pelt -     1	[02:32:45]:               lightbulb -     1	[02:32:45]:                 red_cap -     1	[02:32:45]:    multitool_axe_pickaxe -     1	[02:32:45]:       deerclops_eyeball -     1	[02:32:45]:               trinket_3 -     1	[02:32:45]:                    perd -     1	[02:32:45]:                 slurtle -     1	[02:32:45]:            orbstafffire -     1	[02:32:45]:                 chester -     1	[02:32:45]:           world_network -     1	[02:32:45]:                    mist -     1	[02:32:45]:          stalagmite_med -     1	
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@M00t, Well, as I understand it, sim ticks and network ticks are two separate things. network tick rate determines how often data is networked to clients; this is what you can set in settings.ini. You cannot set the sim tick rate, which is mostly what causes the lag for clients (when it can't complete a sim tick in time). But yeah, I agree, to what little extent it can affect things, I found it best to set the network tick as low as possible.


As for what you can do... not much without compromises. Brains are pretty expensive when they're awake, so if you can reduce the number of bees, spiders, beefalo, etc active near players, then that should make things smoother.


Many mods are not nearly as efficient as they could be (and that can include character mods), so that will be a significant source of lag that dev optimizations can't really help with.

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