If Invisible Inc was a boardgame

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I know in one of the Klei casts the developers mentioned they liked boardgames (or at least I think they did). Anyways this (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fowers/burgle-bros-a-cooperative-heist-boardgame) Kickstarter for a heist boardgame is really giving me the Invisible Inc vibe. Especially the peek vs run mechanic. Really interesting to see similar ideas distilled even further.

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I am not surprised. Some video games were based off boardgame mechanics' concepts. Shame it's just a boardgame. I am sure it'd made for an interesting video game too, like Ticket to Ride. I really hope for trend where boardgames go digital as a standard. So much easier to play that way.

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I personally like meatspace games too, but that's purely personal preference.


What I do think is neat about boardgames, whether you wish they were digitalized or not is the added design decisions that need to go into them. You really need to simplify things down. For example guard patterns. Not saying one is better than the other, just that when you have to design something fun in really tight constraints I think it ups your game as a designer.


A lot of us are playing armchair game designers here on this forum (and I must say it's great fun), and so I thought this might make for an interesting thought exercise to look at the similarities and differences between the two. 

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