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We Starved, Together

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Me and my friend were really excited to setup our first Don't Starve Together world. We had started up a normal survival world and from there everything was going well. We had found the abandoned beefalo pen set piece which we later used as our home, we got some farms and drying racks going and we even killed the koalefant. Everything was great until they came.


Winter had come making everything harder and more scarce (we were living on one or two pieces of jerky and some berries a day), but it looked like we would have enough food to survive the winter and make it out okay. Then my other friend joined. He had little experience with Don't Starve but he knew well enough to not die. He chose Wolfgang, the worst character for us right now. We had no idea he would join us so we were really unprepared. We made some makeshift rabbit earmuffs for him and let him camp with us. We hoped for another koalefant.


Now it seemed we were really in trouble, no food, no good winter clothes for our friend, and no way to defend against a possible deerclops attack. Then to make matters worse another friend joined. He had no experience at all and was entirely new to the game. I gave him my thermal stone to keep warm as we talked to him about various mechanics and how to not starve. Although by this point we were all starving, none of our hunger gauges had seen full for days and Wolfgang was nearing his wimpiest form we all sat there by the fire splitting up our last jerky and some carrots we found while exploring near camp. We knew it was over.


The next morning our hunger was so low we were going to die of starvation soon. We tried frantically to spawn in food but we kept getting the debug spawn wrong (we were desperate by now and we felt that we could justify cheating). When we finally did get them in we were all taking damage and were all nearly dead except for the newbie he had a litter hunger left as he had started later we all perished and turned into ghosts. We were so worried about hunger that we forgot to gather fuel so us ghosts gathered around our friend to give him light.


As our friend slowly watched his hunger and sanity and eventually health go down he had but one thing to say before he died: "Wow! This game is really hard." He died five seconds later and all our progress was lost. This was my first Don't Starve Together experience. Hope you enjoyed.

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