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[HELP] Having trouble activating mods. Please have a look.

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Hello, I'm attempting to enable mods on my dedicated server. I am very new to this type of thing, and it took me a few days just to get the server running initially. I have been having a hell of a time trying to get mods to work. I'm hoping I can find some help here, and I have made progress because of these forums already.


Here's what I have in my dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua:


--There are two functions that will install mods, ServerModSetup and ServerModCollectionSetup. Put the calls to the functions in this file and they will be executed on boot.

--ServerModSetup takes a string of a specific mod's Workshop id. It will download and install the mod to your mod directory on boot.
 --The Workshop id can be found at the end of the url to the mod's Workshop page.
 --Example: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=350811795

--ServerModCollectionSetup takes a string of a specific mod's Workshop id. It will download all the mods in the collection and install them to the mod directory on boot.
 --The Workshop id can be found at the end of the url to the collection's Workshop page.
 --Example: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=379114180








How's that looking?

And here's what I have in the modoverrides.lua:


return {
  ["workshop-369588618"] = { enabled = true },
  ["workshop-343762271"] = { enabled = true },
  ["workshop-352373173"] = { enabled = true },
  ["workshop-361336115"] = { enabled = true },
  ["workshop-358749986"] = { enabled = true },
  ["workshop-373991022"] = { enabled = true },
  ["workshop-376333686"] = { enabled = true },
  ["workshop-394172225"] = { enabled = true }


Eh? Nice. I love it. This is fun, but it's not working, so I feel like I am missing a crucial... something!


If you wouldn't mind helping a fellow learn the ropes, or point me in the right direction, that would be amazing. Don't be afraid to ELI5 because this is basically a whole new language for me.





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In your dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua you need to remove the -- (it's for only for commenting the code)

So you have a line like this:


I didn't use the second method in the wikia with the modoverrides.lua.

I edited the modsettings.lua with this line:


I had to reboot 2 times the server so they can download all the mods.

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@pokemonpie, Yes, but it is better to use the modoverrides method that the OP was using (his file was correct, it was just the ServerModSetup part that he had left in the commented-out state); this will let you have different servers with different mod combinations, and also let you set the configuration options in the mod. There's more info on that on the wiki page.

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