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(Scripting) Looking for code: "check if builder"

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Well, on the builder component, inside the DoBuild function, you have:

self.onBuild(self.inst, prod)prod.OnBuilt(prod, self.inst)

For both items and structures, that you can define and use.

local function onBuild(inst, prod)   if prod.prefab == "ThisThing" and inst.prefab == "ThisCharacter" then      -do something   else      -do something else   endendAddPlayerPostInit(function(inst)    inst.components.builder.onBuild = onBuildend
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Well, on the builder component, inside the DoBuild function, you have:

self.onBuild(self.inst, prod)prod.OnBuilt(prod, self.inst)

For both items and structures, that you can define and use.

local function onBuild(inst, prod)   if prod.prefab == "ThisThing" and inst.prefab == "ThisCharacter" then      -do something   else      -do something else   endendAddPlayerPostInit(function(inst)    inst.components.builder.onBuild = onBuildend


Thanks! I think this could work. 


On a related note:

local Combatable = GetModConfigData("Combatable ")local function RemoveCombatable(inst, doer)   -- maybe doer here?	if inst and inst.components.combat and (Combatable == 1) then--error--->>>>	if doer:HasTag("player") then		inst:RemoveComponent('combat')		end			endend

Any idea what the other:HasTag("player") then should be here? it works fine except for that bit. Its likely something simple but my brain is on standby mode and i can't figure it out.

I've had something similar working before so i know it's almost right..

I think it's like doer or actions maybe.


context: I'm trying to make a placed item unattackable by players, but still attackable by monsters.

Edited by Mertaan
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Because there is no "other" variable.

If you remove the combat component then nothing will destroy it unless it's workable.


Instead of removing combat, you will have to edit something from combat or combat_replica, like:

AddComponentPostInit("combat_replica", function(self)   local old = self.CanBeAttacked   function self:CanBeAttacked(attacker)      if self.inst:HasTag("MyModTag") and attacker:HasTag("player") then         return false      end      old(self, attacker)   endend)

But I take you don't want to make things not attackable, you want to make them non hammerable, yes?

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