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Need help for script not eat "petals"

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help me, I want to script to my character eating foodtype VEGGIE. But I don't want to eat "petals", please! tell me how to do?

if food and food.components.edible and food.components.edible.foodtype=="VEGGIE" then

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and not food.prefab == "petals"

This should work.



thank you , but is not all work.


if food and food.components.edible and food.components.edible.foodtype=="VEGGIE" and not food.prefab == "petals" then

        --give an upgrade!

        inst.level = inst.level + 1

eat petals is not level up.

but i eat "carrot"  is not level up too.

i need eat all veggie type level up except petals.

help please.

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Check your listener. remember that you receive data (an array) instead the inst. To access the actual food you use data.food.
This is working for me:

AddPlayerPostInit( function (inst)    inst:ListenForEvent("oneat", function (inst, data)        print("I'm eating!")        print("Eating something?", data.food ~= nil)        print("I'm eating a: ", data.food and data.food.name)        print("Edible?", data.food and data.food.components.edible ~= nil)        print("Eating veggie?", data.food and data.food.components.edible and data.food.components.edible.foodtype == "VEGGIE" or false)        print("Not petals?", data.food and data.food.prefab ~= "petals" or false)                if data.food and data.food.components.edible and data.food.components.edible.foodtype == "VEGGIE" and data.food.prefab ~= "petals" then            print("Level up!")        end    end)end)

It prints "Level up!" when I eat a carrot, and doesn't prints it when I eat some petals.


Edit: My bad x.x didn't realize you were changing the oneatfn.

Still, it's mostly the same.

inst.components.eater.oneatfn =  function (inst, food)        print("I'm eating!")        print("Eating something?", food ~= nil)        print("I'm eating a: ", food and food.name)        print("Edible?", food and food.components.edible ~= nil)        print("Eating veggie?", food and food.components.edible and food.components.edible.foodtype == "VEGGIE" or false)        print("Not petals?", food and food.prefab ~= "petals" or false)                if food and food.components.edible and food.components.edible.foodtype == "VEGGIE" and food.prefab ~= "petals" then            print("Level up!")        end    end
Edited by Ryuushu
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i know this is your thread i dont know how to contact ppl on this forum i wanted to ask if you can possably help me with making a character mod. i really like your work and it kinda made me wanna make one. if you can help it would be well appreciated 

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