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I've been thinking about what makes the gameplay in Don't Starve so challenging and interesting. My favorite mechanic so far is Travel.

When I first started playing, I started looking for parts of the world where all the resources you need are in one place. Intersections of Tundra, Forest, and Plains... My favorite world so far has each biome spread far apart, and it about a day to get from the plains to the tundra. There is very little food in the tundra, but the manure makes my farms back at base run nice and smooth. I have plenty of food.

I think that Don't Starve needs more unstoppable forces. Winter is an excellent addition, but I have another in mind, physical health.

The player starts off skinny, and in the early game, lots of exploration is required. The spectrum looks like this: Fat <-> Skinny <-> Fit.

Wilson's activities affect how much food goes towards his weight/fitness, and how much goes towards his hunger bar. If a player has been sedimentary, he will gain weight. If he has been very active, he will gain muscle. If he had a moderately active day, he will lose weight or muscle. Food is used to store fat, and muscles require energy to maintain.

Activeness could be determined by:

-travelling medium to long distances - running circles around a campfire doesn't count


-chopping trees or mining

Possible effects of obesity:

-he runs slowly.

-he becomes an attractive target for predators.

Possible effects of fitness:

-he runs faster.

-he gathers materials faster.

-he deals more damage in combat.

Even though weight loss and gain is based on the player's activities, the actual event occurs (or is noticed by Wilson) after he finishes eating. It would be hilarious to see Wilson's gut growing, or Wilson becoming beefy in 30-60 seconds. He could even have special event animations...

Weight affects how the food bar refills in the following ways:

-When Wilson gains fat or muscle, a portion of the food that he eats does not apply to the food bar. Calories are used to store energy in the form of fat, and calories are needed to build muscle. These calories need to come from somewhere...

-As Wilson becomes fat, his metabolism slows down. He becomes hungry less quickly.

-As Wilson becomes fit, his metabolism speeds up. He becomes hungry more quickly.

Anyway, I think these mechanics make gameplay more interesting, and they also give the player more goals (get fit for the summer, get fat for the winter).

The mechanics also discourage farming/tree walls. If you get very fat, then you will be slow, weak, and Hounds will attack. You need to travel & exercise to keep fit!

Let me know what you think,


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