[General] - Game Resets After Windows Crash.

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Bug Submission:

Category: General

Platform: PC

Issue Title: Game Resets After Windows Crash.

Issue Description: I have an OS error that causes windows to crash every so often. While annoying, it does not happen often enough to merit a reformat. However, when windows crashes WHILE I'm playing Invisible Inc, the game sometimes resets completely. 0/0 Exp, endless mode no longer unlocked, all saves wiped, etc. This has happened to me four times now in total, and is making the game not worth playing. No other games on my computer are affected like this.

Steps to Reproduce: Playing the game when windows crashes? Not sure how you'd reproduce this.

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  • Developer

That indeed sounds quite frustrating!  However I can't think of any reason why even a Windows crash should affect your save game, since there should be no reason for it to delete your file.


I'm assuming you've been able to play at least some games successfully, and quit / relaunch with XP in tact?



After one of these hard crashes occurs, it would be helpful if you could double-check whether Documents/Klei/InvisibleInc/saves/savegame.lua still exists before launching Invisible Inc., to see whether the file is just disappearing, or whether there's some strange corruption with the save data.




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That indeed sounds quite frustrating!  However I can't think of any reason why even a Windows crash should affect your save game, since there should be no reason for it to delete your file.


I'm assuming you've been able to play at least some games successfully, and quit / relaunch with XP in tact?



After one of these hard crashes occurs, it would be helpful if you could double-check whether Documents/Klei/InvisibleInc/saves/savegame.lua still exists before launching Invisible Inc., to see whether the file is just disappearing, or whether there's some strange corruption with the save data.

Thank you for getting back to me. 


As I said in my suggestions post, I had gotten to day 33 Easy and day 12 Normal of endless mode before these crashes.  Now I'm on day 16 Easy, honing tactics before I give another normal endless a try.


The next time it happens, I will do as you suggest.  Hopefully that will help me find out the cause of this.


Thank you again


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