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Varying placers with multiple prefabs


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Long story short, dig-able light flowers, I made a file for the dug prefab and got to the MakePlacer. Now, it's like this.

 MakePlacer( "common/dug_flower_cave"..type.."_placer", "bulb_plant"..type, "bulb_plant"..type, "picked")

"..type" works like "bushname" in berrybush prefab to make it compact. Now, the syntax for MakePlacer is

function MakePlacer(name, bank, build, anim, onground, snap, metersnap, scale)

And contrary to the actual prefab names (flower_cave,flower_cave_double,flower_cave_triple) the build names aren't similar (bulb_plant_single,bulb_plant_double,bulb_plant_triple). Now, the problem would resort only to the first type - single. But for some reason, the "double" placer doesn't appear when I hover with the specific "double" item, only the "triple" type appears with the "triple" item. Is there any way to resolve this? Or at least hardcode it like if inst.prefab == "flower_cave_single" then etc. etc.?


EDIT: I don't think there was a way to do this without using tables. So I did that, similar to mushrooms.lua

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