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Function for check what armour is equipped?


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Hey all,

I'm trying to make a character that, when he equips the different armours that are already in the game, receives different runspeeds and attack damages for it. I cannot figure out how to do it though and I am not entirely sure if I can without editing the games armour files (which I'd like to avoid doing). I've looked through the equipslot and equippable LUA files but there doesn't seem to be anything in there that helps.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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if item.components.equippable and item.components.equippable.equipslot == GLOBAL.EQUIPSLOTS.HEAD then		if inst.components.pighats.playerhat then			local current = inst.components.inventory:GetEquippedItem(GLOBAL.EQUIPSLOTS.HEAD)				if current then				inst.components.inventory:DropItem(current)				end			if item.name == "Ice Cube" then				item.components.perishable:SetOnPerishFn(ice_perish)			elseif item.name == "Spider Hat" then				item.components.fueled:SetDepletedFn(spider_remove)			elseif item.name == "Moggles" then				item.components.fueled:SetDepletedFn(mole_remove)			elseif item.name == "Eyebrella" then				item.components.fueled:SetDepletedFn(eyebrella_remove)			elseif item.name ~=  "Miner Hat" and item.components.fueled then				item.components.fueled:SetDepletedFn(depletedfn)			elseif item.components.perishable then				item.components.perishable:SetOnPerishFn(depletedfn)			end			inst.components.inventory:Equip(item)			inst.AnimState:Show("hat")		else			local current = inst.components.inventory:GetEquippedItem(GLOBAL.EQUIPSLOTS.HEAD)			if current then			inst.components.inventory:RemoveItem(current)			end			if item.name == "Ice Cube" then				item.components.perishable:SetOnPerishFn(ice_perish)			elseif item.name == "Spider Hat" then				item.components.fueled:SetDepletedFn(spider_remove)			elseif item.name == "Moggles" then				item.components.fueled:SetDepletedFn(mole_remove)			elseif item.name == "Eyebrella" then				item.components.fueled:SetDepletedFn(eyebrella_remove)			elseif item.name ~=  "Miner Hat" and item.components.fueled then				item.components.fueled:SetDepletedFn(depletedfn)			elseif item.components.perishable then				item.components.perishable:SetOnPerishFn(depletedfn)			end			inst.components.inventory:Equip(item)			inst.AnimState:Show("hat")			inst.components.pighats.playerhat = true			inst.components.pighats.randomhat = false		end    endend

This is what I use fof checking the name of a hat on a pigs, you can do the same way for player prefab for body slot, but I don't know how you wnat to do it.

Anyway you can check the armor by getting player equip slots.

If in mod main(needs that GLOBAL thing)

local player = GLOBAL.GetPlayer()local item = player.components.inventory:GetEquippedItem(GLOBAL.EQUIPSLOTS.BODY)
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This seems to be what I'm looking for, but I'm having trouble implementing it (sorry, I have very little coding experience, and none at all in lua), I've placed the two GLOBAL lines at the top of my modmain.lua and wrote this function from your code in modmain.lua:

local function armourcheck(inst)	if item.components.equippable and item.components.equippable.equipslot == GLOBAL.EQUIPSLOTS.BODY then		if item.name == "Thukecite Suit" then			inst.components.locomotor.walkspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_WALK_SPEED * 0.1)			inst.components.locomotor.runspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_RUN_SPEED * 0.1)		elseif item.name == "Scalemail" then			inst.components.locomotor.walkspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_WALK_SPEED * 0.1)			inst.components.locomotor.runspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_RUN_SPEED *  0.1)		elseif item.name == "Marble Suit" then 			inst.components.locomotor.walkspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_WALK_SPEED * 0.1)			inst.components.locomotor.runspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_RUN_SPEED * 0.1)		elseif item.name == "Log Suit" then			inst.components.locomotor.walkspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_WALK_SPEED * 0.1)			inst.components.locomotor.runspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_RUN_SPEED * 0.1)		elseif item.name == "Snurtle Shell Armor" then			inst.components.locomotor.walkspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_WALK_SPEED * 0.1)			inst.components.locomotor.runspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_RUN_SPEED * 0.1)		elseif item.name == "Grass Armor" then			inst.components.locomotor.walkspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_WALK_SPEED * 0.1)			inst.components.locomotor.runspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_RUN_SPEED * 0.1)		else			inst.components.locomotor.walkspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_WALK_SPEED * 2)			inst.components.locomotor.runspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_RUN_SPEED * 2)	end		else			inst.components.locomotor.walkspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_WALK_SPEED * 2)			inst.components.locomotor.runspeed = (TUNING.WILSON_RUN_SPEED * 2)	endend

Then in my characters lua file I placed:

inst:ListenForEvent("armourcheck", armourcheck)

What I'm trying to get done there is that, when those armours are equipped my character has no movespeed. I'm sure my ListenForEvent function is wrong, but I'm not sure what event should be under within the quotation marks.

Thanks again!


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So you need other function that will return character speed to normal if he decides to unequip armor.

The events you must listen to should be:

"equipped" and "unequipped"

Not sure if this would work:

inst:ListenForEvent( "equipped", function(inst,data) armourcheck(data.slot) end )


Look at the events in equipable component.


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Alright, I think I've figured it mostly out (thanks!), but cannot check it because the line of code 

local item = player.components.inventory:GetEquippedItem(GLOBAL.EQUIPSLOTS.BODY)

is receiving the error "attempt to index local 'player' (a nil value), as well as the error; in main chunck =[C] in function 'xpcall' ( I did add the code local player = GLOBAL.GetPlayer() right above it). The error causes the game to crash. Commenting that section out causes the game to work fine, but also makes the game ignores all the lines of code I've added! I believe everything works though. Just one final problem!

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Of course! Though I cannot upload the entire mod since most of the art and sound is taken from other mods and I don't feel I have the right to distribute it. But I can upload the two files I've been editing to try and get this armour check to work. That being the modmain.lua as well as the characters lua since I wrote them (at least the parts that I didn't take from the template). Hopefully that's enough! The code for the armour check is between two long lines of --.


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Unfortunately that did not work either... I figured out a work around though. I can just add speed modifiers to the separate armour files from within my modmain.lua. Took a while to figure out how, but it actually works (and looks) better than expected! Thank you so much for your help and time though!

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