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Combining save files


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Okay so this is somewhat complicated, for some reason steam decided it would be a good idea to delete all my save data, I obviously disagreed, but steam did whatever it pleased. so I gave up and started a new save as Wilson (having lost all my character data as well) planning to get everything back. Now, steam has suddenly decided to give me back my old WX-78 save, and take away my Wilson save. (joke's on steam, though, I had been secretly copying the save data from both my documents and my steam userdata to my desktop regularly since the first complete deletion!)


Now, however, I've become somewhat attached to the Wilson save and would like to keep it as well. Does anyone know a way to add it into my WX-78 save world-list?


Just dragging and dropping it doesn't seem to work.


Sorry if this is in the wrong spot and I should be posting into the bugs or wherever, but I'm looking for a tool, so I thought the tools forum would be the place to look.



TL;DR how do I add a save file to my world-list?



EDIT: I'm probably looking for some way to edit the "saveindex" file. Google is still turning up nothing though.

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solved the problem, nevermind.


In order to prevent this, here was my solution.


step 1: I went into steam, and disabled the cloud. Important, as disabling it in the ini just changed the save location.

step 2: I created a Wilson profile in slot 2

step 3: I saved and closed out of don't starve, and then deleted the file I created in step 2

step 4: I put my old Wilson save file in its place.

step 5: I opened the save inside of don't starve, and success happened.


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