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New Character Creation Problem (Failure to find Anim asset)


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I am trying to start off a character mod of my own, so I simply begun by editing the basic values of SampleCharacter mod. Now, running the original causes no trouble - Wilson's clone works fine.


So, now after I rename every variable instance from "wod" to "winfred", I ended up in a bunch of problems, most of which I was able to get fixed. Now, my main problem is that I simply can't fix this asset search error:



...m/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/util.lua:276: Could not find an asset matching anim/Winfred.zip in any of the search paths.

LUA ERROR stack traceback:
=[C] in function 'assert'
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/util.lua(276,1) in function 'resolvefilepath'


I assume this is an asset called through this line in Winfred.lua:



-- Don't forget to include your character's custom assets!

Asset( "ANIM", "anim/winfred.zip" ),


Obviously, it would appear that the file Winfred.zip does not exist within the anim folder of my mod. Except that it does. I also found out that removing this line from the winfred.lua, does not stop the problem.




Note, I did use build renamer and created a new .tex file (based on the generic provided in SampleCharacter mod) to correspond with the new .zip.


Is there any hardcoded calls within the game that would try to search for anim/winfred.zip? Or for some reason, that line is way too functional/silly?


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Try changing the capital W in your call line to lower case.

I think it may be case sensitive.

It seems like that was indeed the case. This makes me wonder why all non-string input just doesn't get converted to lower case automatically.


by the way - http://forums.kleientertainment.com/files/file/895-winfred/

a Winfred character mod already exists.


Nothing wrong with having two, but it might cause problems if someone wanted to run both.

There are only so many W-ending names. But I'll try to come up with another one.

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It seems like that was indeed the case. This makes me wonder why all non-string input just doesn't get converted to lower case automatically.


Yes, it does seem rather odd.




There are only so many W-ending names. But I'll try to come up with another one.


I agree (and applaud your effort to stick to the W names), but there is nothing wrong with having the same name for a character, but to avoid conflicting files, the character files should be named differently. Had I to do it over I would have named all mine 'winfredKL9" to avoid confusion.


Variants: Winfrid, Winnie, Wynifred


Other Names: Wilhemene, Wynfor, Wren


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