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Add sanity drain to prefabs when on fire?

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So I have been trying to do this will little to no luck so far.  



1. How do I make the torch drain sanity?

2. How can I make all things that are on fire produce a sanity aura?



I cannot get the torch to decrease sanity.


It seemed like the easiest one.  I should be able to just:

local function updatetorch(inst)    inst:AddComponent("dapperness")    inst.components.dapperness.dapperness = TUNING.CRAZINESS_MEDendAddPrefabPostInit("torch",updatetorch)

but it doesn't work.  I was looking at the nightsword as a reference.



I want my character's sanity to drain when he is near a fire.


So far I have gotten the sanityaura on a firepit with:

local function CalcSanity(inst)    if inst.components.burnable and inst.components.burnable:IsBurning() then        return -TUNING.SANITYAURA_SMALL    end    return 0endlocal function updatefiresanityaura(inst)    inst:AddComponent("sanityaura")    inst.components.sanityaura.aurafn = CalcSanityendAddPrefabPostInit("firepit",updatefiresanityaura)

So how would I apply this logic to anything that is on fire or IsBurning()?



Also... just some DS SDK questions that I difficult for me to grasp.

When trying to add a sanityaura to the firepit it would only work in the way I have it above I tried editing aura directly instead of aurafn and the firepit would always drain sanity.  Also I tried an inline function and assigning it to aurafn but got the same results (always drain sanity).  Why is this the case?  Is it just that I am not understanding lua or is it something with DS

local function updatefiresanityaura(inst)    inst:AddComponent("sanityaura")    if inst.components.burnable and inst.components.burnable:IsBurning() then         inst.components.sanityaura.aurafn = function() return -TUNING.SANITYAURA_SMALL end    else        inst.components.sanityaura.aurafn = function() return 0 end    endend

not even sure how aurafn works really.

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For 1. if you have the DLC installed sanity drains have moved to a subset of the equippable component, like


inst.components.equippable.dapperness = TUNING.CRAZINESS_MED


If you intend to release the mod you'll need to write in an if-check so that people with and without the DLC can use it.

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For nr 2 I suggest you mod the sanity delta function to look for nearby fires instead of modifying every single prefab in the game.


Something like this


function modsanitydelta(inst)	oldsanitydelta = inst.DoDelta	inst.DoDelta = function(self, delta, overtime)		if self.inst.prefab == "NameOfmyCharacterPrefab" then			local x,y,z = self.inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()			local ents = TheSim:FindEntities(x,y,z, 4, {'fire'} )			for k,v in pairs(ents) do 				delta = delta + 1			end		end		oldsanitydelta(self, delta, overtime)	endendAddComponentPostInit("sanity", modsanitydelta)


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Tried the equippable component and it had the same issue that I was having with aura  (but worked in the end), If I set equippable.dapperness = TUNING.CRAZINESS_MED it doesn't work.  But if I set equippable.dapperfn = CalcSanity it works.


Could someone please tell me how I could be wrong in my assumption?  I just don't get it.


Anyway the Willow tip worked great.  It works for all objects that are on fire including the torch.



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