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Scripting issues

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Hello there everyone, I really need someone to help me find out what I am doing wrong, I LITERALLY copied another mod just to try this, I copied another mod, used all there scripting BUT I changed the file names etc, I made sure to change the names inside the prefabs, modmain, portrait xml's & even the Anim Bin.


I haven't used caps when your not suppose to, I have tried to avoid using caps if completely possible apart from areas that require caps, I have used a search to find out that there isn't a single name in the entire mod of the old mod name, so I loaded the mod up & BAM! it crashed.


so I looked at the Log thinking ok its alright I can figure this out, so my characters animation file is called "momo.zip", I have SPECIFICALLY told the game to look for directory anim/momo.zip, so guess what I find in the log report, the game failed to load because even though I told it to look for momo.zip it was looking for Motoko.zip, WTF is wrong with it ? I am wreaking my brain trying to figure out why it did that, I went through my scripting 14 times & still didn't find even 1 line telling the game to look for Motoko.zip


Please can someone help me, preferably a seasoned modder with patience to deal with a newbie.

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