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[Mod Request] Ctrl-F Force Attack to ignore friendlies

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Like title, I've been looking for a way to make force attack while using Ctrl-F to avoid/ignore going for Chester, Abigail or other friendlies. I still want Ctrl+Click to work like normal. It would help a ton when getting swarmed by frogs or other situations such as this where you get attacked by multiple neutrals that don't become hostile until you take damage or you attack them and such you can't just use F to attack, but at the same time you don't start attacking the closest mob which can be Chester or other companions, which makes all the other companions attack that target.

I remember vaguely reading something about this some time ago or a post where somebody was giving an example of this, but I've been trying to find that on google searches with no success.

I would appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction :) .


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i am using this:

local function DontHitMeWulfe(inst,attacker)	return not attacker:HasTag("wulfe") --      return attacker.prefab~="player"endfunction SomePrefabInit(inst)	inst.components.combat.canbeattackedfn=DontHitMeWulfeendAddPrefabPostInit("hound", SomePrefabInit)
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