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Touchstones/Continuing World as a Different Character

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I'm not sure if this is more of a mod suggestion or a feature for ROG but I think it would be really cool if when you die and have a touchstone a DIFFERENT character shows up.

This makes the game feel a little bit darker, especially if the "old" body turns into a skeleton.

I'm sure this isn't for everyone. If you don't like it, fine, but I think it would be a neat addition/challenge to add to the world preference menu.


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realistic/lore-wise that fits. gameplay, it doesn't make sense. you pick a character because you want to play it, not because you later want to play another one. so yea, mod, fine.

Uh... Mario Bros. 2?

Or any Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle game?

lols at "gameplay, it doesn't make sense."

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Uh... Mario Bros. 2?

Or any Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle game?

lols at "gameplay, it doesn't make sense."

You can pretty much find any example of any suggestion from another game. That doesn't really prove anything. - especially if the game is as far off from one genre to another as it can possibly be. but anyway, it's just my opinion. if the devs implement your idea, I'm obviously wrong.

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Maybe just the option to switch characters?  It might be amusing to find the previous life's skeleton. ;)  There are some characters that I find easier early game, and some that are better later on, at least for me. 

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Maybe just the option to switch characters?  It might be amusing to find the previous life's skeleton. ;)  There are some characters that I find easier early game, and some that are better later on, at least for me. 

You could do it in the old versions with a tent.

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