Need Help With Everything of a Mod


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I have absolutely no experience with mod creation and I have no idea how to do anything with mods other than come up with dialogue (not program the dialogue) and come up with the ideas. I will not be able to, as much as I would love to, pay you as I am young and have no money. Message me if you would like to help and I will tell you the details of the mod. I am just going to say that it might be difficult to make. Thank you. 

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I think we can let this one slide, since you are willing to do the writing for it... but this subforum is really more for people to offer their services, or request help with the other side of a mod. Writing is one thing, but this is kind of more 'request' territory.

As mentioned, this forum is more for offering services ("I can do art! Anybody need an artist?") or requesting assistance for a collaborative effort you are able to do a lot for. ("I have this idea for a character, and all this art completed, but I just can't do the code! Any coder want to help out?")


Not discounting writing - I'm a writer, myself. It just doesn't have quite the same workload as art or coding.



But you've made the same mistake that so many people make when they come here with a request.

You haven't sold us on your idea.

You drop out of the sky, and say "Hello, I have a great idea. You should help me!" without even remotely delving into it.

You have to excite people - you have to encourage them to want to work on it. You don't need to keep the details to yourself. Like, I'm sorry... but you don't have the most amazing, fabulous idea of the century hidden away. Nobody wants to "steal" it and take all the credit, or something.


And nobody is going to go out of their way to help you, when they don't know what they're signing up for.


Would you apply for a job if you didn't know what you had to do, where it was, and what kind of hours it had? Of course not - you pick the job that sounds interesting to you - the one that suits you and your skills. In a nutshell, this is a job pitch.

You need to tell us what it's all about. Break it down. Start with what the basic idea is. Give us a run-down of what it is - what you want to accomplish. Tell us why it's cool.
Make us want the mod. If we want it, we may be able to offer our services to bring it to fruition.


"I have an idea, come ask me about it." is not the way to recruit help.


Pitching was an important part of my college education... maybe later I'll write up a pitch guide for people to follow when suggesting their ideas, or looking for help.

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Okay I have just always had problems with people stealing ideas from me. I'll go in depth:


     I should start out saying that I don't have an idea for a character but I do have the traits figured out, and the traits are going to make the game much more difficult and unusual for the players experience. So for the first trait of the character it's going to be that they are a weak character. Using tools is slow for them and weapons will deal less damage. In turn more hunger will be provided.

     The second trait is actually based on something I suffer from and it is Low Blood Sugar. I suffer from Low Blood Sugar and I thought that it would be a cool thing to add to Don't Starve, as my low blood sugar starts affecting me when I'm hungry. So basically how I think it should work is that at about 100 hunger the character should say "I need to eat soon." Then at 75 hunger, the first symptom will take place, and that will be that the character gets even weaker, and slower. Basically combined with the weakness attribute, if you get down to 75 hunger then you are 50% weaker at gathering. Plus your damage is going to be reduced do to being weaker from the symptom. Plus the character should say "I need to eat NOW or things will get worse."

     Then if you still can't eat, and you get to 50 hunger or below, the last symptom will take affect. This is that you are even slower at moving (only moving not using tools) and your (yes this happens to me) vision will get blurred and start changing to an odd color, most likely blue as that's what happens to me, but that can be debated.

     And the final trait which is just to make the game weirder rather than harder is, sadly another thing I suffer from, paranoia. Basically when it becomes night you will start seeing the effects of low sanity without low sanity, not including the monsters. You will start hearing odd sounds and start seeing the eyes and the night watcher flashing in and out. 

     In turn the character will start with 250 hunger so it is difficult to reach the effects of trait two. Thank you.

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Just want to notify anyone who didn't and did want to work on this, it has been abandoned. Sorry.


Wow. I totally didn't see that coming.


On an unrelated subject: I have absolutely no experience with home improvement and I have no idea how to do anything with tools or blueprints other than coming up with awesome floor plans and interior decoration ideas. I will not be able to, as much as I would love to, pay you as I am stingy and don't care to spend any money. Message me if you would like to build me a house based on my designs and ideas, because I want someone else to do all of the hard work and heavy lifting so my creative genius can thrive. I should warn you: many of my plans defy the laws of physics and are quite likely impossible to implement in three-dimensional space. I look forward to the army of volunteers I anticipate will readily sign up for my cause.

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     The second trait is actually based on something I suffer from and it is Low Blood Sugar. I suffer from Low Blood Sugar and I thought that it would be a cool thing to add to Don't Starve, as my low blood sugar starts affecting me when I'm hungry. So basically how I think it should work is that at about 100 hunger the character should say "I need to eat soon." Then at 75 hunger, the first symptom will take place, and that will be that the character gets even weaker, and slower. Basically combined with the weakness attribute, if you get down to 75 hunger then you are 50% weaker at gathering. Plus your damage is going to be reduced do to being weaker from the symptom. Plus the character should say "I need to eat NOW or things will get worse."


You're trying to add Scott Malkinson to Don't Starve?

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