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Been wanting to return to fanfic for awhile. To get my writing gears back in motion, remake of a one shot I did back when I first joined the forums.

Winter's howl blasted through Willow, robbing her of what warmth she had left. With shaking hands, she pulled out her lighter, bringing a small flame into being. She stared at the little thing, watching as it danced in wind. A small warmth in the immense cold that surrounded her. That one eyed deer had chased her away from the embrace of her fire pit. Without thinking, she had run off into the endless wasteland she had called her camp as the monster smashed her only place of safety to pieces. Now she was lost in a snowy field that seemed to have no end.

Willow shook herself out of her recollections. No. She had to keep moving. She looked behind her, looking if she could retrace her path. Unfortunately, the snow was coming down harder than ever and had removed any trace of where she may have been. "Only way is forward." She mumbled as she stuffed her free hand in her pocket. She trudged onward.

(A bit short but I just wanted to see if I still had it in me.)

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