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I'll get straight to the point, I've amassed a few suggestions of mine:

Landmine: Requires 1 Gunpowder, 1 Cut stone and 1 Tooth Trap

•Same power and effect of a normal gunpowder explosion (Destroys structures)

•Triggered by any mob that walks by it (So don't plant it by a few rabbit holes)

•Especially helpful for wiping out hounds (Or getting yourself killed)

•Requires Alchemy Engine

Pillow: Requires 1 Beefelo wool and 1 Azure Feather

Tab: Survival

Tier: Science Machine

•When you use a Tent, Straw Roll or Fur Roll with a Pillow in your inventory you gain 5 health and 5 more sanity than normal

• -10% Durability per use

Bread: Requires 2 Seeds and 2 Grass

Tab: Food

Tier: Science Machine

•Could be used for future Crock Pot recipes (MANWICH)

•Cheap easy to get food

•Gives barely any food when eaten to prevent easy farming

•Spoils easily

Alternate Living Logs Recipe: 1 Log and 1 Nightmare Fuel

Tab: Magic or Refine

Tier: Prestihatitator


Some way to choose where you will respawn using a specific meat effigy or touch stone.


Copper would be a cool new item, you would be able to create wires and hook those wires up to a lightning rod. With the electricity you could power another science tier and the machines within said tier. And with enough copper you could make gears removing the necessity to find Maxwell's minions. (Which I've never managed to do) With all these gears and electricity there would be more science machines as I mentioned before. So that way people can go for science or crazy cave magic for epic items instead of just crazy cave magic.


Signs should be editable using 1 Charcole to change what it says.


Some way to create more advanced structures would be fantastic, doors, paint for walls, roofs to stop the rain maybe a chimney for your fire pit. Doors would be difficult since it would need to look like it fits into the walls from all 8 angles. So doors don't have to be put it, maybe a wooden gate that requires gears would work but I just want cooler buildings.

Some of these ideas may have been a bit far fetched or strange so thanks for reading in the first place. Do you agree with these ideas? Do you disagree? Do you hate me for an indescribable reason? If so than hit the magical 'reply' button. ^-^

(I'be realized this is only 8 suggestions contrary to the million I promised in the title but writing this on an iPod it really felt like a million)

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