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Translate mods?


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So I was wondering... I was browsing the steam workshop and found out some cool character mods. I thought, "hey, it's so easy to install, why not." Now, here's the deal. I use my own language pack in the game. But the mods text are in english! So its a bit confusing. Obviously, I can just turn my pack off. But I was wondering if there's a way to translate mods: as some sort of add-on?

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I've never tried to translate anything, since the only language I speak fluently is English... but I believe it should be as simple as adding a mod that translates all the strings and speech and such, and use priority to make it load after everything else.

(I can't remember how to set priority, but I know it's not difficult - just one line in modmain, I believe.

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very often, the character mod has "speech_*.lua" file in his script/ directory. If you want to make translation mod for that, you can copy this file into your mod folder under script/ directory (create it if you dont have it yet) and translate it there.

After that, look into modinfo.lua of translated character mod and find "priority=[number]" line, then write lower number into your modinfo.lua file, so your file will always override characters "scpeech_*.lua" file.

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Boy. that's a lot of words I don't understand. I'm pretty sure I can figure it out, though :grin:

The simplest way to explain it would be that if the mod you want to translate has


in the modmain.lua file... you could make your OWN mod that just has


 and using the loading priority to ensure it is always loaded after the mod you're translating (I believe the default is "0" and few modders need to change it) it will replace the text with the translated version.


If the English mod had a priority of 3, you could set the translation's priority to 4, and then it will load afterwards, thus overwriting all the text with the translated version.


Hope that made sense.

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