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How do I start up a mod collaboration?

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By making only one thread about it  : P

On a serious not: Are there any rules? I guess you should simply do it like debugman and Neosaurus did it, start a thread and see if anyone is interested. If you're lucky and your idea sounds really good you will have quite a following. But mind you, a lot of the potent coders a artists are already involved in "Up and Away" or "What roams the World" or prefer to work on their own. So it might be difficult to actually find people.

Anyway I thought you were already involved in "UaA", so why do you want to create a new collab?

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yeah. Sorry about that. I was making that post on my phone, and it messed up somehow. I edited the OP (but for some reason, I couldn't edit the title.) To have it ask for a mod to delete it.

No worries, I wasn't being serious ^^

On-Topic: What is the idea you got for the challange?

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