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He first saw her in the forest. She didn't do much back then; she just stood halfway behind a tree and watched him. Every once in a while, she would allow a small giggle to escape her mouth. It made Wilson feel warmth in his heart.Every day, he would return to that one spot of the forest and begin his work. He had much to do, and deep within he knew he must not get distracted, must keep his eyes on the goal, which, at this point, was to simply not be slaughtered before he could find a way out. Every prison has an exit, and that was the one thought that kept him on the brink of sanity. But every time he thought this, she would laugh. And how could anything bad happen when she was there? It was if she could read his mind.She began coming closer, as the days passed. She would even cheer him on, occasionally. Wilson didn't notice or care about her approach; all he focused on was the warm feeling her presence brought. And more and more, he would pay more attention to her than his work. And his fears were beginning to fade. What could happen to him here? With her, he was safe. She was his friend. She would never try to hurt him.And so his work was left incomplete.Then, almost three weeks after her arrival, she vanished. Wilson would still return to the clearing, but he would do nothing. No work was completed. The sound of invention and innovation that the animals in the surrounding area had grown so used to was gone. He was left an empty shell, nothing more than a husk of crude skin and flesh. There was nothing within him. Sitting on an uncompleted wooden platform, staring off into the deep woods, clinging to a blind hope that she might return.And so Wilson despaired.The, one day, as Wilson stared dejectedly off into the forest, he saw her. Approaching, laughing, arms wide open waiting for Wilson's embrace. The warm feeling filled Wilson again. And that was all he was. A shell of a once-great man, now filled with nothing but lust and greed. And Wilson knew that if he accepted her embrace, that would be him forever. But that couldn't be true. She was his friend. She would never try and hurt him. Wilson embraced the girl, smiling as the warmth spread throughout him.Then his heart stopped beating.

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He adored the music box. It was his prized possession here, where everything else was only as good as it had to be. It was the only thing he owned that was from his past life. A life that he had all but forgotten.But he was more or less happy here. His supreme strength had aided him greatly, and while he may not have been top of the class, he knew how to create things. He had been taught from childhood, and he had been taught in ways one does not forget easily.But he had one weakness, one had always tried to keep secret. It ashamed him. It hurt him to know he was still vulnerable. For he was cursed with a fear of darkness, a deep, inborn fear he could not break. However, he had one weapon against it. Each night, he would turn on the music box, and would listen to it. It comforted and soothed him with it's peaceful song. But one night, the music changed. It was just as soft, but it was haunting, and he began to feel his fear again. He closed the music box to stop it from playing, but still, the music continued to drone on. As the fear filled him, he began to panic. He began taking out random pieces, stuck stones into the delicate mechanisms, and yet the music went on. In a blind rage, he picked up the music box ad began bashing it into the ground. There was nothing left but a pile of wooden shards and pieces of metal far too ruined to repair.Realizing what he had done, he began desperately gathering all the bits and tried to piece them together. But to no avail. It was gone.And then the music began once more, and fear flooded him like water being poured into a vase. The darkness closed in, and then, hands reached for his fire. Frozen in fear, he did not stop them. And prey trapped in darkness is very easy to catch.

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