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since dst is looking more like rpg each day that pass... klei could add more characters in the game sorted by classes... like, rangers(like walter), mages(like willow and max) etc... the most character variety, the more gameplay style choices we would have in game to choose. And make some items easier to craft or craft them in large quantity, and add synergy to character to some items like willow to staves, walter to throwable items and etc... make items like, darts easier or more quantity per craft, so we could play in many diferent styles... give some atention to characters with minions like webber, wurt and summoner like wendy... would be cool. Add more classed characters in the game would be cool. Damn at least i can dream ; - ;  
at the moment all the characters are basically warriors cause we tank, we kite all with armors and swords... nothing like magic items or shootable/throwable... nothing. sry if i said anything stupid it's just my opnion

forgot to suggest to make alchemier class, wilson would be really amazing if he could make buff or attack or defense etc... potions, if not that, it could at least be like for exemple mutation potions... to mutate certain things in the constant, since he was suppose to be a scientist he could make experiments in the constant instead of keeping food in the beard... thats gross for a gentleman scientist ; - ;

Edited by KrayZ RoarC
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