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How I would visually differenciate a Don't Starve Together sequel.

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I'd bring the artstyle into the 3d space. (not pvz 3 style that looks awful)

Probably mid-poly, with all textures drawn in the same artstyle that all current DS/DST sprites are drawn in, just in a way to make sure it looks right on a 3d model.

Idk man I think 3d is cool and that not having to do multiple separate walking and attacking animations but just adding some procedural generation to a single one would be cool.

That's it, obviously a sequel would have to be different mechanically to some extent to make it worth playing alongside DST's existence, since a sequel would definitely not have the same amount of content that DST has because it wouldn't make sense to copy paste everything and lore wise it'd close the entire thing into a narrow spot with not much more wiggle room compared to DST itself.

Edited by Antynomity
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On 4/5/2024 at 11:44 AM, goblinball said:

I never understood the hate for the newhome art style tbh

Most criticisms over Newhome's art style were due to a lack of understanding of DPA (Detail Per Area). Basically DPA is the idea that the smaller a sprite will be seen, the less detail it should have, for the sake of visual clarity. Newhome's art style is a lot simpler and less detailed in that sense because regular DST art style looks muddy and blurry and frankly just BAD on a small screen (ever played DST for Switch in handheld mode? It's a struggle to even tell things apart sometimes), and you're never going to get a phone screen much larger than... well, a phone. So it made sense to go with something cleaner and sharper so you can tell what you're looking at.

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