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How do I fix temperature overlay for client? (Overheating/Freezing)

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Hello, I'm working on a mod character with custom overheating and freezing temperature.
So I've been tweaking on the temperature component and the overlay widgets.

For example:
If my character has the overheating temp at 75.
The widget should start catching the heat ring in four stages, at  {70, 75, 80, 85}  instead of  {65, 70, 75, 80}
The damage arrow will appear at 75 and start damaging the player.

It work perfectly fine on hosting without cave.

However, the widget doesn't seems to work when it comes to server with cave. 
The ring start catching at 70 as a second stage instead, as well as the damaging arrow
Even though my character doesn't take any damage yet.

Is there a way to fix this? So the second stage and damage arrow only appear at the threshold it should be.


Here is how I modified the temperature component. So that I can have my custom freezing temperature instead of 0

AddComponentPostInit('temperature', function(self)
    -- if not GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
    --     return
    -- end

    local temperature = self
    temperature.freezingtemp = 0

    temperature.SetTemperature = function(self, value)
        local last = self.current
        self.current = value

        if (self.current < self.freezingtemp) ~= (last < self.freezingtemp) then
            self.inst:PushEvent(self.current < self.freezingtemp and "startfreezing" or "stopfreezing")

        if (self.current > self.overheattemp) ~= (last > self.overheattemp) then
            self.inst:PushEvent(self.current > self.overheattemp and "startoverheating" or "stopoverheating")

        self.inst:PushEvent("temperaturedelta", { last = last, new = self.current })

    temperature.IsFreezing = function(self)
        return self.current < self.freezingtemp

    local old_OnUpdate = temperature.OnUpdate
    temperature.OnUpdate = function(self, dt, applyhealthdelta)
        old_OnUpdate(self, dt, applyhealthdelta)
        if applyhealthdelta ~= false and self.inst.components.health ~= nil then
            if self.current >= 0 and self.current < self.freezingtemp then
                self.inst.components.health:DoDelta(-self.hurtrate * dt, true, "cold")

As for the widget (heatover), I only modified the ownerTemp and the all_up_thresh. (The same goes to iceover for freezing)

local function ModifyHeatOver(widget)

    local TheWorld = GLOBAL.TheWorld
    local TheFrontEnd = GLOBAL.TheFrontEnd

    function widget.OnHeatChange(self)
        local temp = self.owner.components.temperature ~= nil
            and self.owner.components.temperature:GetCurrent()
            or (self.owner.player_classified ~= nil and
                self.owner.player_classified.currenttemperature or TUNING.STARTING_TEMP)

        local num_steps = 4

        local overheattemp = self.owner.components.temperature and self.owner.components.temperature.overheattemp or self.owner.overheattemp:value()

        -- local minimumThresh = ownerTemp ~= nil and ownerTemp.overheattemp - 5 or 65
        local all_up_thresh = {overheattemp - 5, overheattemp, overheattemp + 5, overheattemp + 10}

        local heat_sounds =
        local heat_sounds_names =
        --local all_down_thresh = {8, 3, -2, -7}

        local up_thresh = all_up_thresh[self.laststep+1]
        local down_thresh = all_up_thresh[self.laststep]

        local isup = false
        while all_up_thresh[self.laststep+1] ~= nil and
            temp > all_up_thresh[self.laststep+1] and
            self.laststep < num_steps
            -- and (temp >= 65 or TheWorld.state.issummer or GetLocalTemperature(self.owner) >= 65)

            self.laststep = self.laststep + 1
            isup = true

        if isup then
            -- Check if the sound is playing so it doesn't get spammed when temp dances back and forth across the threshold
            if not TheFrontEnd:GetSound():PlayingSound(heat_sounds_names[self.laststep]) then
                TheFrontEnd:GetSound():PlaySound(heat_sounds[self.laststep], heat_sounds_names[self.laststep])
            while all_up_thresh[self.laststep] ~= nil and
                temp < all_up_thresh[self.laststep] and
                self.laststep > 0 do

                self.laststep = self.laststep - 1

        if self.laststep == 0 then
            self.alpha_min_target = 1
            local alpha_mins =
                .4, .3, .1, 0
            self.alpha_min_target = alpha_mins[self.laststep]
            local distortion_size =
                0.01, 0.011, 0.012, 0.013
                --0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01
            self.effectSize_target = distortion_size[self.laststep]
            local distortion_frequency =
                10, 13, 17, 20
            self.effectFrequency_target = distortion_frequency[self.laststep]
            local distortion_speed =
                -- keep this value constant for now as both lerping and stepping it produce ugly artifacts
                7, 7, 7, 7
            self.effectSpeed = distortion_speed[self.laststep]
            --self.effectSpeed_target = distortion_speed[self.laststep]

AddClassPostConstruct("widgets/heatover", ModifyHeatOver)

    inst.overheattemp = GLOBAL.net_shortint(inst.GUID,"overheattemp")
    inst.freezingtemp = GLOBAL.net_shortint(inst.GUID,"freezingtemp")

    if not TheNet:GetIsClient() and inst.components.temperature then



Edited by Webberah
change topic name a bit
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