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Fixing visual bugs or adding new emotes and ideas for Wes!? (I accidentally made it super long)

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I already made many bug reports of this, but some skins disappear when you go on the server, I’m not sure if it has to old, though. Just sometimes disappears, but when I reset the console or re-log back in, it’s gone. Just a random occurrence I suppose. But something that has bugged me for 2 months is the fact that

Previous bug report: Wes goes partially bald or his hat goes missing at some side angles while inspecting items, because he has a custom animation for inspections. I have tried thulcite crowns, enlightenment crown, skinned hats and tam o’ shanters, and upon inspection at this certain angle, again, Wes goes bald or the hat goes missing during the animation!

New emotes idea; The last emote I remember getting is the ‘swoon’ emote from 4-5 years ago in a valentines celebration. I personally think the community could use another goofy or goober-type animation. It could be like the chicken dance, or a funny face! Some people even downloaded just the default dance emote on PC just because it was another emote, and a funny one at that. You know what else could be REALLY interesting? A zoom option, by pressing down the controller movement sticks , Left and right is zooming in/out. On PC, it could just be another keybind. 

Skilltree and idea for Wes: Lots of people want the Mime to be useful, but he was supposed to be a funny and challenging character. The fact that he inflates balloons as his main ability is already perfect; I don’t know why he should be more than a set of hands and feet if he was supposed to be in the first place.  His idle and inspections are pretty good already. But I have a really cool idea (in my opinion, it’s also just a suggestion). Because of the slowing down and lore videos promised, it actually sounds like a splash of fun! Wes skill tree should be just the same, also with the emotes too! Anyway here’s my skill tree idea, (it is quite literally not useful, making minor changes, and no real benefit or change from the previous downsides. 

Main abilities-  Make gestalt-air and miasma- filled balloons for lunar and shadow affinity. It just has a small AoE attack of an extra 5 damage. Make balloons sizes randomized by using skill tree points to unlock different balloon sizes, updating the balloon recipie. By unlocking the lunar or shadow affinity, you can get 2 lunar or shadow related balloons, like ancient fuelweaver skull balloon or celestial champion balloon, or something ridiculous, like balloon items, ( preferably useless shadow based or lunar based items/gear, which could be something like a ‘ thulcite’ balloon crown, a one time use hat which has a 50% to block one attack by popping, dealing 5 damage to both the player and attacker. Again, it’s just a hilarious suggestion for the Wes skilltree! Heck, the lunar affinity item could be a balloon sword with 10 uses, unless it gets popped, delicate like the glass cutter! ( hey, maybe it deals 15 damage to make up for his weakness!) I think it’s a fair balance, considering killing either boss as Wes is already super challenging, not to count so much in RNG includes in the open survival world, which makes it very difficult at some times. Oh YEA! a suggestion: Skill tree path: makes speedy balloon only slightly faster/ or more durability. Also maybe add a whole new path that requires both lunar and shadow affinity, all your skill tree points maxed out, just for the BALLOON MECH in one of your April fools animations! It would be hilarious, plus, it’s very costly because it requires every skill tree point, and would be mostly useless! All of these are very undeveloped suggestions, and I might edit this multiple times, because I devoted myself to be a Wes main! ( also please please please if the balloon mech is added you should be able to make balloon projectiles that only stun a player for 0.5 seconds and do no damage! Please it would the REALLY FUNNY because it’s Wes skill tree! ) 

Also big question for Wes skill tree; if you add skins with the update, will it be balloon related skins or Mime related skins… just wondering what a balloon chest or baguette tam o’ shanter would look like., hmmm.

anyway, mere suggestions, so please don’t take it as a forced or a based fan approach who thinks they are the lead idea maker or developer! It’s fine if there’s no balloon mech but I will be begging on my knees for one on April fools!!



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