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Boat revisit [all described]

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I know Klei likes to revisit old content sometimes, so I thought I would give it a try and maybe give some inspiration if they ever want to revamp boats.


We now have multiple structures that use the mechanic of "Put the ingredient in, come back later to finish it" like the Celestial Portal, and Pillars.


Why not make it possible to create boats that are huge? Not the raft type, a real boat.


1. Build a boat with lots of ingredients depending on the type and size of the boat.

2. You now have a boat, no sail, no anything.

3. You can enter the boat and complete other projects, like sails, cannons, icebreakers, etc.

4. If the boat is big enough, you can enter the floor below the main floor and build, fe. chests there, or a kitchen.


It would make sailing feel like... Real sailing. You would feel like a pirate with your mobile base.

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